Chelwood Vista Neighborhood Association

The boundaries of the Chelwood Vista Neighborhood Association are the areas of the City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, State of New Mexico bounded on the west by Chelwood Park Boulevard NE, on the north by Lomas Boulevard NE, on the east by Tramway Boulevard NE, and on the south by Copper Avenue NE.

Our snail mail address is Chelwood Vista Neighborhood Association, PO Box 51734, Albuquerque, NM  87181-1734

We will have our first annual meeting of the year Tuesday April 24th, 2001 7:00 pm at the Foothills Area Command Meeting Room (corner of Lomas and Georgene).  We will discuss old and new business concerning our neighborhood as well as holding elections for the new members of the board.  We also will have a number of speakers that represent our neighborhood at the city and state levels. 

Membership in the Neighborhood Association  is required to vote in elections but not required to attend our meetings.

Look over the new bylaws of our Neighborhood Association, as adopted at our most recent meeting here.

Local School Information

Government Representation

The New Albuquerque Police Department Foothills Substation is located in our neighborhood at 12800 Lomas Blvd NE, 87123 (the corner of Georgene and Lomas).

National News

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Last updated April 15, 2001.
Email contact is through the CVNA Web Author