This page contains links to some useful free softwares and links. The Indian section contains links especially useful for Indians. Happy surfing!

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Software: the section contains links to some free downloadable software that are very much handy for day to day users.

Cool links: The section includes the links to some useful sites which includes sites which provide free online storage space, paying for u to surf (believe me), and much more. Check this out.

Computer problems: Check this section out if you want to know about some sites which offer quality help on any type of problems related to your computing free. Mail me your comments about this section.

Windows trips and tricks: Get most out of your Windows 9x by some of these simple tricks and tips. Happy Windowing....

Student's Corner : The section includes some sites on the net which offer good info on various education topics and may prove to be useful. Also contains links to some interesting teen hangout sites.

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Disclaimer: The site contains links to contents of the other sites. The webmaster holds no responsibilty for the contents of their site and any form of damage thereof by using their materials. All the contents point to some sites which have been included as links.The content of those site belong to their respective owners. By moving further you agree to these terms ---
