Smokers have been victimized by an orchestrated, well-funded plan to make the world free of tobacco. The only way that could be accomplished was to make smoking "socially unacceptable." When we didn't respond to their rants about direct smoking, they pulled out all the stops and started preaching that smoking kills, not only the smoker, but those around him. The fact that their new crusade can't be proven hasn't stopped their chicken-little screeching of "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" In the meantime, we've lost rights, respectability, and money to the Anti-Tobacco Cartel. And they won't stop until we're extinct. Well, I've had enough! I'M IN THIS FOR THE LONG HAUL, HOW ABOUT YOU? When smokers stand up for their rights, the antis fold. If you're interested in getting involved, in being committed to this cause, please let me know and I'll tell you what will be expected of you. I'll tell you now I expect commitment and time--you keep your money if the taxman will let you. I expect you to do what you say you will do--or find someone to cover your task. I expect total belief that this is a righteous cause. If you want to be involved, but you don't think mine is the way to do it, there are others out there fighting in their own way and they are just as valid. I'll be happy to help you find one you like better. If you're content with
the way things are, if you think that somehow you'll be a better person if
you just go along with the program, if you believe what they say about
you--that you're an addict and can't think for yourself or you really
SHOULD quit smoking even if you don't want to--or if you just can't get
motivated to do what is necessary, that's okay, but don't waste my time
and yours by replying. Most smokers will be right in that sinking ship of
state with you, along with gun owners, fat people, and once-proud American
corporations who seem to have two strategies in dealing with adversity:
Surrender and pre-emptive surrender.