IT'S YOUR CIVIC DUTY! I know, I know, roll-your-own brings to mind visions of the old
cowboy with a little pouch of loose tobacco and some pieces of paper into
which he deftly placed it, licking the edge and rolling the ends up.
Well, no
more! Smokers' ingenuity has brought roll and stuff your own
cigarettes into the nineties--and just in time! It's easy, it's fast, and
it's CHEAP!
Click here to read comments, tips
and tricks from those who already do SMOKE CHEAP!
Loose cigarette tobacco is
available in many blends and flavors, including menthol, strong,
regular, and light. One pound of tobacco will give you 2-1/2 to 3
cartons of premium filtered cigarettes. One 6 oz can (Kite, Top,
Bugler) will make a carton, and is available at most smoke shops.
For stuffing, prefiltered tubes come in light, regular, and menthol,
and some suppliers even carry filterless tubes. The tube looks
exactly like a manufactured cigarette with no tobacco inside. The
thing that makes making your own smokes feasible, though, is the
Supermatic or Supermatic II Stuffing Machine or the equivalent made
by other manufacturers. This little tabletop wonder will let you
make a carton of your own cigarettes in less than an hour and a
half, even if you dawdle. The other machines from other
manufacturers may be just as good as the Supermatic, but I haven't
tried them. Remember, loose tobacco is not taxed at the same rate
pre-manufactured cigarettes are, at least not yet. So start now
before our civil serpents realize how much money they're not
stealing from us. Don't buy from big name tobacco unless it's an

The tobacco used for rolling
your own is the same as for stuffing. RYO folks have not been left
out by technology. The new rolling machines are great, according to
my rolling friends. Either tabletop or handheld, rolling your own
smokes is no longer a painful--wasteful--process. With some
machines, like the V-Master, you can roll 4 or 5 at a time, filtered
or not. Just think of it: you can save a whole lot of cash and thumb
your nose at the money-grubbing politicians and uncaring tobacco
companies at the same time. Buy your products from small growers,
such as we have listed here, take back a little of your personal
power AND piss off the politicians and the antis who will have less
of OUR money to use against us!

There will be more
suppliers on the web every day as small growers realize the demand
for their product. If you find a good source of supply, let me know
and I'll add it here.
forget to check on e-bay and for RYO accessories!
case the Nannies decide that they want even more of our money and
crack down on internet and mail order sales (which they're already
discussing, by the way), cut out the middleman altogether by growing
your own. It isn't hard to do. Tobacco can be grown all over the US
and Canada, it can even be grown in a planter on your patio and
legally up to 1/10 of an acre of land. That 1/10th acre will produce
more than 100 cartons of cigarettes at a cost of around $3.50 each.
How much would YOU save? These sources have everything you need,
including how-to videos, books, and a ChatRoom for help from your
friends. Get your supplies and seeds and get
ready. |
OR... If you're simply not ready to jump in and try stuffing or rolling
your own smokes, there are other alternatives. Many people advertise
cheaper, off brand --but still quite good--cigarettes on the web, most for
around $12 a carton. Those who smoke them say they're great--and they're
delivered to your front door. No muss, no fuss. If you live near an Indian
reservation, check into buying your cigarettes there. Unless you live in a
totally repressive state like California, you'll probably get good smokes
for a good price with no problem. I have not used the following, but have
heard good things about them. If you're determined to play ball with the
antis, the politicians, the meddling celebrities, and Big Tobacco, at the
very least find a smoke shop near you that offers somewhat reasonable
prices, at least as much as they're allowed.
