Smokers United
So long as the
people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to
tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name
of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon
sleeping men. — Voltarine de Cleyre

fight is not about smoking; it's about Big Government trying to
micromanage our daily lives. It's about the Nanny State burdening one
segment of its population with increasingly obscene taxes, and
putting legal American corporations and small businesses out of
business. It's about using lies and half-truths to tear down the 2nd
Amendment and leave the citizens without any "liberty teeth" to
quote George Washington. It's about government agencies denying
citizens the right to their private property without due process.
It's about getting back to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
America was built on the bedrock of Individual Rights; the federal
government was there only to back up the states, to create a
coalition of states when necessary to face an outside threat. What's
happening now is an abuse of power, arrogant and threatening to our
freedoms. America has become "The Cuckoo's Nest," we are McMurphy,
and our elected officials are Nurse Rached, smiling serenely while
they schedule us all for lobotomies.
That government is best which governs
least . Our government--at all levels-- has forgotten
that. But they've also forgotten something else: We, the People,
are the sleeping giant, and we are much, much bigger than
they are.
If you care
about your country...if you're mad as hell and are not going to take
it anymore...
if you're
willing to get busy, get involved and MAKE A DIFFERENCE . . . join
us! If
you're not, stay out of our way.

Stop Taxation
Without Representation for America's Smokers!

For smokers and friends

Fridays at 5 p.m.

You must be at least
18 years of age!
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site is affiliated with no organization except that of the
People--not government, not Big Tobacco. It is here simply for your
information. If you believe, as your friendly webmaster does, that
Big Government is much more dangerous to the freedoms of Americans
than Big Tobacco is to health, read on. Arm yourself with the
knowledge necessary to combat the lies spread by anti-tobacco
hysterics, nico-nazis and crusaders for the nanny state.


are not part of any other organization, but we are part of the 50
million American citizens who are being taxed to death to pay
special interest groups to treat us like second-class citizens. And
we are tired of it.

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