The following email addresses are provided hoping that will be useful to expand solidarity efforts with the Salvadoran people, especially with women.
Women organizations in El Salvador have succeeded in diversifying their efforts in order to make changes in the current political situation, in women's lives and in the population in general.
Please contact the following organizations or visit their web sites for futher information. If you are in Toronto, or do not speak Spanish, please email us. We will be happy to assist you.
If a few sentences, we have tried to organize basic profile on the following women's organizations. We are aware that the information provided here does not tell the multiple programs, services, and resources that women collectively put forward in order to build a more equitable and self-sustained society in El Salvador.
Movimiento de Mujeres "Melida Anaya Montes",,
Coordinadora de organizaciones de Mujeres,,
Instituto de la Mujer,,,
Asociación por la Autodeterminación de las Mujeres Salvadoreñas,
Asociación Cristiana Femenina, ACJ, Contacto Isabel Villegas
...inaguramos la vida, donde las manos nuestras encuentren nuestras manos, donde la luz de una sea la luz de todas... A tus amores de loca, a vos, Prudencia Ayala (Silvia Elena Regalado)
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