Welcome to the Kennedy Assassination Research Page

Some of the following articles contain multiple documents and photographs in support of the author's viewpoint. Please be patient as these files download.

These articles wouldn't have been possible without the contributions of many generous researchers, including Jack White, Walt Cakebread, John Ritchson and James K. Olmstead. I would also like to thank John Armstrong and Fred Newcomb for taking time out of their busy schedules to answer some of my questions, as well as Jim Hargrove and Gary Murr who contributed important research articles to this site.

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments. Also, please check out the following articles:


Evidence that the rifle found in the Texas School Book did not belong to Oswald

The FBI and evidence tampering

Dallas Police and evidence tampering

Were there shots from the Grassy Knoll or the Dal-Tex Building???

Other Articles

Research Materials

Many other related articles and information can be found at these JFK Links .
Also, check out Rich DellaRosa's JFKresearch Discussion Group . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

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