History and Geography

The Federated States of Bellatoria was originally founded as the Kingdom of Bellatoria, but a revolution in 1988 by the Dukes against the inept king created the Free State of Bellatoria.

The Free State of Bellatoria continued its existance until 1999 when the Internet embassy was founded. The Free State was abolished after the annexation of the rest of Alabama and the lands of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Council of Stewards named this nation the Federated States of Bellatoria.

The Council of Stewards have governed Bellatoria since the Revolution of '88. Originally each Duke was represented on the Council, but the Council was compacted with the addition of the title Archduke and all Archdukes became the only Council members.

In the year 2000, the Federated States annexed the lands of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Currently there are only four active Archdukes. The remaining Archducal seats are held in trust by the Council until a worthy noble can be granted the title of Archduke.

The Archduchies:


Archducal Seat: Bellatoria City (Warrior)

Commoner Government Seat: Montgomery

Current Archduke: Scott Williams, Minister of External Affairs & Immigration


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Little Rock

Current Archduke: VACANT


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Tallahassee

Current Archduke: Rick Saxon, Minister of Religious Persecution


Archducal Seat: Stone Mountain

Commoner Government Seat: Atlanta

Current Archduke: Mike Mahaffey, Minister of War and Supernatural Affairs


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Frankfort

Current Archduke: VACANT


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Baton Rouge

Current Archduke: VACANT


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Jackson

Current Archduke: VACANT

North Carolina:

Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Raleigh

Current Archduke: VACANT

South Carolina:

Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Columbia

Current Archduke: VACANT


Archducal Seat: Chattanooga

Commoner Government Seat: Nashville

Current Archduke: John Mahaffey, Minister of Silly Walks and Special Moose Effects


Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Richmond

Current Archduke: VACANT

West Virginia:

Archducal Seat: Undeclared

Commoner Government Seat: Charlestown

Current Archduke: VACANT

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Updated 21 April 2000