Mr. Abate is a graduate class of 1965 Burlington City High School.
He is affiliated with the Burlington Knights of Columbus, the
All Saints� Holy Name Society, and the National Association
of Life Underwriters. He was first elected to the Board of Island
managers in 1977. After a hiatus during which time he served as
a member of Common Council, Mr. Abate is now serving a three year
term as manager.
He would like to see a marina and water activities be placed on the island, as well as occasional boat shows. Furthermore, he would like to see a senior citizen facility, restaurants, an amphitheater, and an educational or promotional center on the Island for Burlington citizens,
Joe believes that �Burlington Island is rich in history and unique in education of our children.� �I have a desire to make the Island accessible and productive for our town. We should create jobs and provide recreational services for the citizens of Burlington and the Delaware Valley.�
Stella is serving as a vice-president of the Board of Island Managers, a position she has held for several years. She is a member of the Burlington County Historical Society. She is also on the Advisory Council to the County Office on Aging.
She has been a past president of the Burlington area AARP Chapter #3998. She is also a member of the Polish Heritage Society of Philadelphia.
First elected in 1988, she is serving her 11 year as a member of the Board.
Stella hopes that Burlington Island is developed for the use of the residents of our city and the Delaware Valley.
Michael was first elected to the Board of Island Managers in 1976 and has served continually except for a lapse of one year. He served as president from 1990-1994, 1996-1999. He also served as Board historian since 1990. Mike transcribed the Island minutes from 1852-1909.
Michael has been involved in community
service working with youth in varying sports activities from 1968-1997
including tee ball, little league, girl�s basketball, H.S.
CYO basketball, men, and girl�s softball. as well as serving
as Athletic Director for All Saint�s CYO. He has been the
folk choir director for All Saint�s parish from 1968 to the
present. He is a member of the Thaddeus Koscuikco club .
He has served a a Union representative in WEA.
He holds an auctioneer�s license
in the State of Pennsylvania.
His degree, received in 1972 is English,. He has taught in private
and parochial schools for 31 years in the State of New Jersey
�Burlington Island has been part of my life for over 30 years. The late Dr. Henry Bisbee gave me insight to the value and the history of the Island. When first I set foot on the Island, I felt like an explorer coming to a new world. Indeed, Burlington Island was unique, as is the Island Board. Separated from the mainland by the river there is a mystery to the Island as it sets. I hope that in the development of the Island the good will outweigh the change.�
�I would like to see the Island accessible and affordable for everyone. I believe massive profits can be generated to aid the school children of Burlington City. Recalling that the first Board served in 1682, I hope that as the board travels into the 21st century that it will always be run by the Citizens and not politicians as it was meant to be.
Ms. Jaconi was born on 2/7/32 and has lived in Burlington City for 69 years. She has worked as a secretary and as a medical assitant.
Nick was born on December 7, 1957. He has lived in Burlington City for thiry five years. He is self-employed, working as an auto repair technician.
John was born on June 28,1977. He has lived in Burlinton City for 24 years.