A few words from one of the former presidents of The board of Island Managers

Michael E. Zalot

I was first elected to the Board of Island Managers in 1976. Except for one year, I have served continuosly in this capacity. The one year exception when when I was defeated by one vote out of several hundred. Ten years prior to that, I had attempted to gain access to the Board, but that's quite a long story which may be added at another time.The point being is that I have now over half my life involved in Burlington Island.

Burlington Island is, and always has been,an adventure to me. I expect that I have only been to the Island in the neighborhood of 10 times. Each time has been a thrill and joy, although due to my knee condition, walking has become a problem. I since have had a double knee replacement and again hope to visit the Island. It�s hard to put into words the feeling of being on the Island. My imagination transports me to the time when there were no other people on the other side of the river just the Island. Indeed, the Island, is separated from the mainland; access is only by boat. Travel on the island is only by foot. It is near impossible to cross in the summertime when massive weeds stand several feet over a person�s head. It was extremely difficult to get to the shoreline. When on the island itself, �panic� did not overcome me, but I had that feeling that I was so far from civilization that I could be lost and not found in this wilderness only a few hundred yards from the City.

Burlington Island's projected future has changed. EnterSport and Mr. Katz have long since disappeared from the scene. After three years of negotiations, the project was abandoned by EnterSport for something else. Also changed: Several long time members of the Island Board are gone by the fickleness of the voting public. New members have taken their place. This change in Board personel may have created a stumbling block in the Board's attempt to go forward. At this point I must mention that since the Board now has its own site, all opinions on this WEB site are from a single manager and not Board sanctioned. Since the fiduciary duty of the Island Board is to use the Island to produce revenue for the children in the City, the Board attempted to search new sources of revenue. The Board prepared an RFP (request for proposals) nearly 2 years ago. The Board decided to involve City Counsel in the process.At this moment nothing is resolved. It has been my opinion for the last ten years or so that City Council is involved with enough activities that they should turn over their control of the upper island to the Managers where it belongs. Council, through ordinace, can control anything they wish on the island. Numerous people are interested in the island and wish to make presentations to the board. Some approach the mayor. Some approach Council. Some approach the Island Board. The general public however, only shows interest in the board at election time, when many people decide that they can fix the problem. Board meetings are open to the general public yet few attend.

The recent(2006) Board elections were hard fought, my position being won by a total of 3 votes out of aboue 400. Since the Board seems to be on the verge of "something" many people want to get part of the "pie" The turn out for most Board meeting is between "zero" and "none" by the general public. The fact is that of the three candidates that challenged the incumbents only attended only one meeting. Potical partisonship has crept into the Board itself with most votes being a 4-3 split. The president who is now serving his third consecutive term is the deciding vote on most issues. 4 votes rule the assembly, elct the president and vice-president and control all business activities. Even though all members want the Board to move forward, unity can not be expected for all issues.