Note to anyone who represents Rage Against the Machine, is a member of the RIAA, or is looking to shut down this site: If you’re extremely pissed that I’m giving Rage free publicity, no need to call your lawyer or shut down this site, just drop me a line and any/all songs will be removed promptly. Neither I nor Geocities take responsibility for what’s done with these MP3s. They are strictly for people to preview the CD with the full intention of purchasing it. If you download any of these MP3s you must go out and support Rage Against the Machine by buying the CD. By law, if you don’t have plans to purchase the CD you must delete the MP3s from your computer within 24 hours of downloading.
Help Me Out:
Before or while you download these MP3s, please click on the below banner and help me out, it's set to open in a new window so you can come right back. Thanks, I appreciate it.
The Battle of Los Angeles:
Don’t try to unzip these files. Rename the .zip extension to .mp3.
2. Calm Like a Bomb
3. Guerilla Radio
4. Mic Check
5. Sleep Now in the Fire
6. Born a Broken Man
7. Born as Ghosts
8. Maria
9. Voice of the Voiceless
10. New Millenium Homes (Hungry People)
11. Ashes in the Fall
12. War Within a Breath
More MP3:
Remember to rename the .zip extension to .mp3.
Bulls on Parade
Killing in the Name
No Shelter (Off Godzilla Soundtrack)
The Rest of Evil Empire, Rage Against the Machine, and Live and Rare will (hopefully) be up soon.