On this petition, Jeffie Talbot and Lee Pfeiffer got together to solve a
problem they had with me. Jeffie protected Pfeiffer by not giving her name. At
that point no other psychologist was involved. The problem was that Pfeiffer
never examined me for anything. It was really was an examination of me by
proxy. She said she was able to predict my behavior without ever seeing me. Any
psychologist knows that is impossible.

Jeffie decided to question me at 10:30 at night after I had shoveled sand all
day and was sound asleep in my bed. I was not happy to see him at that time. He
could have questioned me at any time that day since they were following me all
the time anyway.

Jeffie told me if I went to Pierre he would arrest me. I told him I thought you
had to break a law before you could be arrested. Well, not when Abdullah is
head of the Highway Patrol.