It was Flag Day
1999 as I recall when I went to Abdallah's office to ask him face to face if he
had any knowledge or involvement about the illegal search at the fair grounds.
He denied everything. Were Miller and Kingsbury lying then? I have a feeling I
will never be able to find the answer to this mystery.
I went in to the
SDHP office to face Abdallah. It was me and two other cops and Jeffie Talbot,
the cop who lied on the document to get me to Crazy College. I asked Abdallah
if he knew his cops got a traffic ticket in North Dakota. He said that couldn't
be true because he had never sent his cops to North Dakota. Jeffie Talbot
jumped in telling Abdallah that in fact he had sent his troopers to Strausburg.
In fact there was a video of it in the office, which was one of the reasons I
was there. I went to retrieve it. Abdallah was caught and, of course, mad at me
for catching him.
After some time of
the game of Dodge Questions, I finally got frustrated and used some language
like s o b. Abdallah went wild. He said he didn't allow that kind of language
in his office because there were women there.
I thought that was
a pretty sexist thing to say, but it was fair. AS Abdallah and I argued a
few minutes more I asked him about the false statements that Jeffie Talbot made
on the sworn document. He said if I should refer things to him. I sent the
document but never got a response. I never will. That is how the system works.
As we argued more
and tempers warmed up, Abdallah told me if I "f--- around" (his exact
words) the Capitol building, he was going to take my freedom away. I asked him
what "f--- around" meant. He refused to answer. I then told him he
was nothing but a hypocrite because he had just scolded me for using a much
less offensive word. He was really hot then. I left, but did not take my
videotape. They still have a copy.