Janklow was not
finished with me yet. Nobody escapes the Wrath of Janklow. The following
is an account of what happened at the South Dakota State Fair.
Audrey Miner, a
full blood Lakota, and her nine kids decided to go to the fair. She had been a
good friend for many years. She had always supported me in the character
assassination visited upon me by the big shots. We are just good friends and
nothing more.
She and the kids
stayed with me at Gettysburg over night September 4, 1998, so we could take in
the state fair. Gettysburg was closer than White Horse and we could get an
earlier start from there. She found out that Janklow was going to be there so
she wrote a letter stating that she and her kids were there in support of me.
She gave the letter to Janklow and apparently stood her ground. Audrey is
afraid of nobody. It didn't take much for Janklow to figure out I was there
We went about
taking in the fair without incident. As the day wore on and luck would have it
one of the kids got lost. She asked me what to do. I told her to report it to
the security window and they would help with the search.
We were a ways from
security and she asked me if I would go instead because if she went she would
probably have them all lost by the time she got back. I couldn't see why that
would be a problem so I did.
I went to the
window and reported the kid missing and said he shouldn't be too hard to find.
All they had to do is look for a fat, little Indian boy about four feet tall
and there was not many of those at the fair. The woman at the window asked for
the mother's name and I told her. She then asked my name. I told her. She said
for me to wait a minute. In a matter of seconds a security officer told me to
come inside. When he got me in the back room, he told me he was going to search
me. I asked him why. He told me it was because I was a convicted felon. I
wondered if they had a list of convicted felons and they were searching them
all, or if I was the only one. Obviously they didn't have a list of convicted
felons because my name would not be on it.
I told Officer
Jerry Miller that I was not a convicted felon and that to continue the search
would be a violation of my constitutional rights. He said he got his orders
from "high in the Governor's office." The SOB made me put my hands on
the wall like a criminal while he run his hands over my body.
As a patriotic
American veteran, it was exactly being raped of not only my body, but of my
constitutional rights.
As I was leaving
the fair and as luck would have it, I saw Janklow ripping around in a golf
cart. I summoned him over. He buzzed over like a hog to slop because he
probably thought somebody was going to feel privileged to meet the governor.
When he saw me, his expression changed.
I told him I had
been illegally searched. He said in his usual arrogant voice, “Sue, the courts
are open for business.” Well, so is the Ritz, but I don't have the money to get
Audrey and I loaded
up the kids and left. As we left the fair behind us, we realized we lost more
there than we had gained. A hush finally fell as our van tried to bore holes in
the blackness of the South Dakota night.
The next day, a
crippled man in a wheel chair wanted me to take him to the fair, too. When we
went to the ticket booth I asked if I was going to get searched again that day.
The phone got hot and after a while they told me that I was not going to be
We proceeded
directly to the security station and I asked for the head person. After a
while, Officer Gary Kingsbury appeared. Since it was noisy on the grounds, he
said for me to come in the station. When he saw I was with a witness, he told
the man in the wheel chair to wait in the other area. I told him no that the
man was coming with me. He was not pleased.
When we got inside,
I asked Kingsbury why I was not searched. The story had been changed. He said
it was because I was a threat the day before. I said if I was a threat
yesterday, why wasn't I a threat today? He couldn't' answer that question and started
to get angry.
Then he asked me
the stupidest question I ever heard. He asked me if I wanted him to search me.
I said, "NO! And I didn't want to be searched yesterday either."
I asked him to get
Officer Miller, but he refused. I asked him were Miller was. He said he was on
duty, and didn't have time to come. I wondered why someone who had violated a
citizen’s constitutional rights was acting as a policeman. I asked Kingsbury If
he knew what had happened yesterday. He admitted he did. He also admitted it
was a "mistake."
I asked him who had
ordered the search. He got real evasive, but when I told him I was going to
hold him responsible he squealed. He said it came from Gene Abdollah. But how
would Abdollah know I was there unless Janklow told him?
As luck would have
it, when we were leaving the fair, whom should we meet, but Janklow himself. I
said "Good morning, Governor." Janklow hung his head, shut his mouth,
and walked off in the other direction. That must be a first.
So, now my rights
were violated, and I began to look for some patriotic American to help me. I
thought I would try Volesky. After all he is a lawyer as well as a
representative. Surely, he would be interested in justice. He refused.
Then I tried Jarvis
Brown. He is a lawyer AND my representative in the South Dakota legislature.
Surely, he would be eager to uphold the constitution. He refused to answer.
Then I tried Ron
Schmidt. He is a lawyer, and ran for the US senate and is a veteran. He took a
vow to uphold the constitution when he was in the service. Absolutely, surely,
positively, he would help. He refused to answer.