The Hearing



The hearing was took place in a room close to ward six. I was opposed by the states attorney, Jeffie Talbot of the SDHP, the one who lied on the sworn document that got me to Yankton in the first place), he was there at the request of Janklow, and Dr. Stevens, the state paid independent psychiatrist. The board that was to hear the case consisted of three women. One had been a teacher, another was a secretary and the other I don't recall. Fortunately, none were trained in psychology. They were just normal people who would not be too influenced by the false beliefs of the psychological profession. Their minds were not tainted and they could think for themselves.

On my side was an appointed lawyer from Yankton, Dr. Bean, who was actually in Sioux Falls in his office and myself. Stevens was to be the authority in psychology for the state. He was up against a very superior mind in Bean. He ground on for some time trying to convince the board that he had some concerns about my methods. About all he could do was to convince everybody that he was there with no evidence.

Jeffie Talbot, SDHP officer put a spin on his story while sitting there in his handsome police uniform. I am sure he was sure that would command respect for his story. It was interesting to see how twisted everything. I wondered if that was a common technique that cops used. As I found out later, that is exactly what they do. I have always had respect for the commitment of a police officer to tell the truth. I already had an experience that proved that belief wrong. I had given them benefit of the doubt before, but Jeffie showed me I was wrong about that. My experience has shown many times since that cops will eagerly spin the truth into stories that they can't give credibility themselves. They are an incestuous group who believe that the end justifies the means.

Dr. Bean easily destroyed the trumped up stories presented by Stevens. Then I had my opportunity to address the board myself. I believe when they had the chance to hear the story from me, everything was plausible and correct. It must have been difficult to discredit Stevens and Jeffie, but they did.

We had to wait for about fifteen minutes for them to reach their decision. The verdict was the state had failed to prove its case and that I was to be dismissed immediately.

I can just imagine how that hit Janklow, who I am sure was waiting for the decision. I know he didn't want to lose this one since he had gotten involved personally. The problem is that he had said in the papers that he would see that I never touched another child in South Dakota and now he couldn't stop it. After all, I had a young 10-year-old myself. He had also promised that he would keep me under surveillance as long as it took. Bill also had Lee Peiffer's psychological report where she identified me as a child molester. That evaluation has never been changed and she is sticking to her word. Janklow has never indicated that he did not have complete confidence in her report. So, Janklow always bragged that you never have to wonder where he stands on an issue, but he refuses to explain his stand on this issue, not to mention he is protecting Darwin LeBeau who is a real danger to citizens of South Dakota, and who has molested children himself. I have tried to force him to take a stand but he ignores the issue. He doesn't want to hang himself regardless of how many kids are at risk. I challenge anyone else to find exactly where he stands,
But it wasn't over yet. I had been released from the nut house but had no money to get home although the law required them to get me back. As it stood then, No record would show that I had been admitted to the nut house. I had only been there for observation, therefore, there was no record of my having any mental illness. After all, the allegation was dismissed. But now I had a problem as to how to survive. This was their suggestion. If I voluntarily checked myself in to the nut house, they would give me a bed for the night. But, of course, then my record would show that I had admitted myself for mental illness. That would insure I could never own a gun. I would have forfeited my second amendment. While I hadn't had any guns for years and never planned on getting one, it may sound like an unimportant issue. But I served in the armed forces to insure my constitutional rights and everybody else's and those rights meant a great deal to me. I love the constitution and was willing to risk my life for it, not to mention two of my flight crew had lost their lives in the service of their country. It seemed like my betrayal to them if I gave up now. I will never my constitution or those who served for it.

In addition to that, they could charge me $250 for spending the night. I don't think there is any other place in Yankton you can pay that much. Perhaps they should go into business if people will be willing pay that price for hard bed and a tiny room.

They didn't have me quite as cornered as they planned. Although we have been separated for years, my wife and son came to rescue me. I escaped again!

I left Yankton understanding what the psychology business really was. It is a business just like any other business. In order for the employees to get paid, they need customers. Once they get control of you, they have a direct route to your checkbook. They can order you to pay for any of their games. And if you have a home or any money, they will pass you around until there is nothing left. The legislature protects everything they do. They are accountable to nobody.