01/07/2000 The Argus Leader had refused to grant me permission to post the article they had written about me which has been proven false. They have refused to correct their mistake. They have also refused to print my advertisement notifying the public of this web site. So much for freedom of the press and their obligation to an informed public. Freedom of the press is only condoned for their point of view. After all, it was the Argus that endorsed Janklow.
Article 1

This article proves Sen. Gary Moore was not providing 
truthful information to the Capitol Journal. In this 
article the Argus Leader printed, "from a man who 
indicated he might harm children at the state fair." 
The Argus got caught getting irresponsible with the 
facts. As Dr. Bean wrote in his evaluation when he 
read all the evidence, I had threatened no children 
nor any one else. (See Dr. Bean's evaluation.)What 
they reacted to was what Pfeiffer had said, not me. 
They wrongly assigned the threat to me.

Article 2

When I confronted the Argus to provide verification 
of evidence that I had threatened anyone, the 
officials claimed they did not write the article, 
but copied it off the wire. When I provided a copy 
with Keven Woster listed as the writer, they closed 
ranks. They had the power and they knew it.

I enjoyed the part of this article when Janklow tries 
his hand at being an amateur psychologist. He jumps 
right into profiling, thinking I am giving a cry for 
help before doing something awful. (Sorry, Janklow. 
That always cracks me up.)

Janklow goes on yearning for "the old days." Well, 
Janklow, in the old days, when a man said what you 
said and couldn't back it up, he would have been taken 
behind the barn and had the stupidity beaten out of him - 
in which case would have taken a considerable time with you.

On the second page of article 2, the Argus reported that I 
had been evaluated by some psychologist in a case of child 
molestation. That was a good move on psychologist Pfeiffer's 
part. She mad them think she had evaluated me - which she in 
fact did without bothering to talk to me. She said she 
"believed" Darwin LeBeau. That is how she did her evaluation. 
To predict the behavior of someone you have never seen is an 
impossible feat for any other psychologist - but easy for her.

Pfeiffer even went so far as to say I shouldn't be allowed to 
be around children. She didn't consider I had three of my own. 
Were they to be included?

So once again slop passed for journalism and the Argus printed it.

I found it interesting when Janklow told the paper all this happened 
on the reservation and was not in his jurisdiction. Slop in, sloppier 
out, Janklow. This case was in fact based in Potter County, not on 
the reservation. Loose with the truth, Janklow.

"I will as long as it takes," says Janklow. But nothing has changed. 
Lee Pfeiffer is standing by her allegation as is Darwin LeBeau.  I 
wrote Janklow asking where he stands on this issue because he is 
always saying he always lets people know where he stands. After a 
few years, I am still waiting for his response.