Senator Garry A Moore
Party: Democrat
Term: Incumbent
District: 18
Counties: Yankton
Occupation: Sales
Home Address
2310 Western Ave.
Yankton 57078-1419  Capital Address
Kings Inn
Pierre 57501
Phone Numbers
Home: 665-2301
Capital: 224-5951
Business: 665-3294
 Other Contact Information
Fax: 665-3398

July 22, 2001

While Senator Moore was eager to climb on the hero's bandwagon,
he forgot about telling the truth. He accused me of being paranoid 
while at the same time there was legislation on the floor.
The Capitol Journal was eager for a story and Moore was eager to 
give them one. It wasn't MY paranoia that was running wild, it 
was the legislators'.Rep. Hennies even provided evidence in his 
email message to somebody inquiring about the incident. 
(see the Hennies article)
I have notified Sen. Moore about his false information, 
but he refuses to reply. Clearly, he does not intend to consider 
the arguments or to correct his misinformation. I think he just 
wants to sweep this problem away. Well, it is not going away. 
It is just going to get worse.  I will post any response I get 
from Sen. Moore and let him present his argument. That is 
better than he did for me.