I was amused by Janklow's letter. He said I had a way of sounding believable. Unfortunately, he did not understand that it was believable because it was the truth. It wasn't me who wanted the attention. I told him it was the PROBLEM that needed attention. While he had me locked up in the nut house, Darwin LeBeau was busy making a baby for the taxpayers to support. I was a little too late for that. Janklow said in a newspaper article (see Newspaper Articles) that he would see that I would never touch another kid in South Dakota. He broke that promise and the one which said he would have me followed as long as it takes when I was in his office the day the Lewinski story broke. He broke it again in October 2001 when I was in his office and had my picture taken with his secretary and a little kid. The dilemma Janklow has now is he does not have the courage to "take the responsibility for your actions" as he always tells us to do. Lee Pfeiffer has NOT changed her mind about what she had to say in the psychological. The question Janklow refuses to answer is if he believes licensed psychologist #152 Lee Pfeiffer or me. I have tried to get an answer. Perhaps someone else needs to ask.