Welcome to this site. I put this together because several people have asked to hear the story from another perspective. Since it is very long and complicated, I found it impossible to tell in a personal visit. This is not meant to be a professional publication. It is composed at the keyboard and is really a personal diary of things that happened and my perspective on what happened.

I found that the newspapers and other media is little more than tabloid journalism and seldom, if ever, get to the real bottom of a story. Every story is edited and spun with consideration given to what will get reader's attention.

This story is just the way it happened. Feel free to investigate anything written here and verify it as to being true or not. There is no doubt that I will get into a lot of trouble for trying to exercise my effort to tell the truth and have it available to the public. As a young man, I joined the service to fill my obligation to the constitution and for the rights it granted in spirit and in fact. Those rights have been violated every time I have tried to use them.

Until the net came into being, the voice of the simple citizen had little power to be heard. The elite no longer have that power over us. Praise the net!

I will try to keep this updated since the saga in ongoing. After this site is open to the public, I welcome questions. It is unlikely that this site will be visited much so I should be able to keep up any questions.


I hope some enjoy the mystery solved and have the strength to keep an open mind. I will have to prepare to face with the powers that be. I think I am going to get my butt kicked. That is the price I have to pay for "LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL."