Representative Thomas L Hennies
Party: Republican
Term: Incumbent
District: 32
Counties: Pennington
Occupation: Retired Chief of Police
Home Address
820 St. Francis Street
Rapid City 57701-5309  Capital Address

Pierre 57501
Phone Numbers
Home: 348-0372
 Other Contact Information
E-mail: repthennies@rushmore 

When someone got interested in this case and wanted some answers,
he contacted Rep. Hennies. Exactly why I am not sure. The following 
is his response. I have addressed some of the issues in his response.


At this point in time with story after story of police cover-ups and 
abuse of power, the only people with worse credibility than police 
are politicians and you qualify on both counts, Rep. Hennies.

You alluded to violent behavior without any specifics, just 
allegations. There is no question I was angry and as two local 
pastors told me, I have a right to be. Character assassination 
is still asassination, Hennies. You try it for a while and then 
see how you view it. 

In spite of the fact Hennies  could guess the spin the accusers 
were going to put on it, he went for their information anyway. 
That way he could give credibility to the police and not have 
to investigate the problem himself. Unfortunately, that is also 
the way business is done in Pierre. His real obligation was to 
seek the truth, not just to pick sides.

Hennies, you need to stick with the truth. I was NOT 
institutionalized as you stated. YOU have no credibility.

When asked to investigate, Hennies sent his second letter 
showing his arrogance, normal for most law enforcement officers 
and politicians.

Mr. Ray. While I received your email about 2 weeks ago, I didn't answer right away, as I wanted to research your information before I did. Perhaps you didn't know but I was Police Chief in Rapid City during the time of which you were speaking. I had never heard the story so I went to the Rapid City Police Department for answers. This is What I found. First of all, the arrest was made by the Pennington County Sheriff's office, not the Rapid City Police Department. It was made on July 13th, 1998. It occurred after almost 6 years of harassment by the suspect, whose name I will not use although the issue is a matter of public record. It had nothing to do with his being a veteran ( so am I) instead, it had to do with his constant dealings with the FBI, the Sheriff's Office, The Potter Co. Sheriff's office, The Highway Patrol, the BIA, the Governor, Senator Pressler, the News Media and the psychologists who complained. He also had dealings of a forceful nature with the people at the Eagle Butte School and the White Horse School. His actions with all of these people was on occasion, violent and needless to say, he caused a good number of people to feel threatened.In fact, on the day he was arrested he was confronted by the Sheriff's Deputy and refused to state that he would not hurt the psychologist. It is my understanding that he has been institutionalized for his mental problems and has caused the State Legislature to pass a bill called the " Phantom Molester Bill" in January of 1997. He has sent threatening letters to several newspapers and to the Governors office as well as his the psychologist. Mr. Ray, I wonder if you had all of your facts straight when you wrote the email to all of us. It appears to me that you have only heard one side of the story and because of that you believed our stalking laws were wrong. I on the other hand, believe that no one should have to tolerate the kind of treatment which was received FROM your friend. Finally, while I have not investigated the charge which you state was disorderly conduct, the charge is a class 2 misdemeanor. That means the maximum fine would be $100.00 and 30 days in jail. A trial of this charge is short and certainly, no more than one day. Obviously, his home was not in jeopardy. Mr. Ray, I appreciate the fact that you wrote expressing your feelings but I think by now it is clear that you did not have your facts straight and that should be an important consideration before one indicts the criminal justice system and the laws of South Dakota. Thank you again, Tom Hennies.
Mr. Ray. I didn't get into this to have a long discussion regarding this subject. I heard your side and I looked into it and found there was another side. All of this has nothing to do with your characterization of the stalking law, with which I was working. I am sorry but I have enough confidence in the reports to realize that there were simply too many people involved to have this be a conspiracy. There were too many actions involving your friend to believe he was an innocent tool of an evil government. Now,I am done. Please do not continue writing me about this. Thank you for your thoughts. Tom Hennies