The following are important parts of Dr. David Bean, Psychiatrist from
Sioux Falls and Professor, USD School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry.
The copies of letters thath were reportedly written by the "Phantom Molester"
which Mr. Schutterle identified were his letters, upon careful reading by
this examiner, do not imply an threat of dangerous activity toward any
individual, including those of children. While the purpose of these letters
may be murky in the casual reading, when taken in context of Mr. Schutterle's
concerns of the past accusations that had been visited upon him, as well as
concerns about the actions of one specific Native American minor, vis a vis,
his purported child molestation activities toward other Native American minors;
they are understandable however provoking.
Mr. Schutterle does not manifest signs or symptoms of serious mental illness
of psychotic porportions in my interview, nor do I find the confirmatory findings
in two of the previous evaluations performed on this individual in support of
the Mental Health Board commitment applications. In addition, psychological
testing performed on Mr. Schutterle does not support a psychotic mental illness
or current delusional phenomenon.