These bananas are too close to the radiator.
The Meaning Of Life Is Here!!!
World Net Daily (WND) They gave me permission to put this 2 part story on my website:
Part 1
Part 2
WND did all research in this story and I give them all the credit for this exclusive conspiracy. And in case you were wondering, this is the only real news on my site. =^)
"I don't know what kind
of beans they were, but
they weren't like any
I've had in my life. I
was in the bathroom for
hours," says UNSCOM chief,
Richard Butler when asked
about his late arrival.
Meanwhile, the grower of the beans
has been taken in for questioning.
Butler Is...
- Stupid
- Fat
- Stinky
- Ugly
- an Idiot
What's this, a Snickers bar?!?!
Oh, well it still
has all that goopy, yummy, sticky goodness it
always did.
The United Nations General Assembly is to
eat a huge meal at the beautiful Hotel Royal
in the better section of the underground
mole people's lair!
More on this after the canibals eat your
grandma's best sun bonet.
Suggestions? Comments? Just plain confused? Drop me a line!
And, if you like that, you'll love this- Paolo's House of Humor