Welcome to my Guestbook!

Elastic Emily2 - 01/23/00 21:27:40
My URL:http://elasticemily2.homestead.com/emilyspage.html
My Email:elasticemily2@yahoo.com
Your Fave President: well since I also had to do a report on Teddy Roosevelt (although I was in 8th grade) I will have to say he is!!!!

Hey shannon cute page.....are u going to do one on yourself too? Just asking...well anyways i think this a very cute page as said earlier. Check out mine and sign the guestbook and have fun. Your non-roomie, roomie, ex-roomie, roomie, roomie elasticemily2 aka emily

Cosette - 12/12/99 22:03:16
Your Fave President: William Howard Taft

Hey, Jerie! Cool page, I like it! I thought the teddy bear thing was the most interesting! Love, Cosette

Ms. Golden - 12/03/99 00:21:25
Your Fave President: JFK

Shannon: This was a BULLY GOOD web page!!!!!!

Shannon Kelso - 11/29/99 02:01:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/3321
My Email:smkelso@mindspring.com
Your Fave President: Theodore Roosevelt

Hope you had fun touring my page. I also hope that Theo is your favourite president, too! See ya

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