All About the Man We Know As "Teddy" Roosevelt

a sketch of Teddy
Theodore Roosevelt. He was everything. A highly intelligent man, an athelete, a husband, a father, a military man, even president of the United States. All this information and more facts that you might not have known about "Teddy" can be found on this page. So go ahead. Explore. And most of all...have a bully good time!
Theodore Roosevelt: The Life
The Quotes Page
Have you ever wondered what all that "Speak softly and carry a big stick" stuff was about? Well here you can find out the reasonings behind some of Theodore's most famous quotes. Just click on the pic below.
Speeches and Letters
Hey, have you ever wanted to hear one of Roosevelt's speeches? Well, here you can hear part of one, and you can read others, too. Just click on the pic below.
The Whole Teddy Bear Thing
Did you ever have a teddy bear when you were little? I know I did, and I always wondered where they came up with the thing. Well, for all of you out there who are in utter suspense as to what the answer to this question could be, give the little bear below a little click with your wonderful mouse pointer.
Well, I would like to thank you for spending some of your time that you could have used for something better on my web page. I hope that you had a bully good time going through it. Now onto the thanks. First and foremost I would like to thank my American Studies teacher Ms. Golden for making us do these projects on presidents. Although at first I thought it was just busy work and pointless, I actually have learned a considerable amount of information about old Theo here. Next, I would like to thank the following web pages for supplying me with information that I could use to build this one:
Another person I would like to thank is Edmund Morris. I thank him for writing his book "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt" and highly suggest that if you haven't read it that you go and do so. It's pretty informative and interesting, too. Not your normal non-fiction book. And if by some stroke of luck he ever sees this page "HI!!!!!"
Although it may sound a little strange, I would like to thank the people who made Finast brand Soup & Oyster Crackers because without them, I think I would have gone psycho by now.
Lastly, I would like to thank C-SPAN for creating their series on the American Presidents. I used a considerable amount of the information that I found on that series on this project along with these other sources. I haven't seen any of the other president's shows, but if this one is any indication, I'm sure they're all good.
Alright, you've heard enough from me for today. I'm going to go to sleep now because it's really late at night and I'm just putting my little finishing touches on here. If you'd like to e-mail me and ask me any questions, view the address below. Oh, and if you get a chance, sign my guestbook and let me know how I did. This is basically my biggest accomplishment ever (besides my guitar tab page, but that's a COMPLETELY different story). Bye now!
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