Welcome to My World

Welcome to My World


There are a lot of voices on the internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are good. Con artists and pornographers abound in cyberspace. But here it is different.

My voice is direct, and strong, and not based on popular whim. I say what I mean and mean what I say. In a cyberworld that is hostile to reason and faith, this is your oasis from the carnage.

So come on in and look around. Check out my articles or go through the projects I assisted with while at ASU. Catch a preview of my book, and maybe even a preview of my upcoming book.

Enjoy reading something worthwhile on the net for a change. And whether you agree with my opinions or not, you can at least turn off the computer off knowing you didn't totally waste your time online today. That's worth something, isn't it?

My new book is now available! To get a free preview, click on the cover shown below. If you would like to know more click here to go to my promotion page.

Not your average web site.

My books and photos are available through Lulu and Amazon. For a free preview go to Lulu.com.