A web site dedicated to the analysis of the results of elections in Ukraine

My name is Stephane Lacroix. I'm a graduate student at the Institute of European and Russian Studies of Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This is my lame attempt at a webpage dedicated to the results and analysis of Ukrainian elections. When the site is fully operational, it will include results of parliamentary and presidential elections since 1991. But the emphasis will be on analysis of the results, especially on the issue of regional cleavages.


Maps of election results

Bibliography on Ukrainian politics

Candidates for the second round of the presidential elections on November 14



mailto: Stephane Lacroix

These titles are available at Amazon.com:

Visit Valeriy Lumelskiy's website. He lives in California and has cool links, including some to Ukraine-related sites.

Visit the Ukraine Centre of the University of North London. It features working papers on a variety of topics.

Visit the pages on the October presidential elections by Viktor Kovalenko: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/5590/el/main.html (In Russian)

http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/5590/el/pret.html (In Russian)

http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/5590/el/main-en.html (In English)


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