UNION Director Dr. B. Cayenne Bird's Published Articles

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Dr. Bird is a regular columnist in the 26 magazines of American Chronicle
as well as the publisher of the daily UNION newsletter
which is sent to subscribers only.

American Chronicle | California Chronicle |Los Angeles Chronicle |World Sentinel


For a few of Dr. Bird's published articles beginning in 1998 click here


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by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird

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Criminal Justice & Prison Reform is in Gridlock in the California Legislature
January 13, 2006
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


People Can Remember Tookie Williams by Organizing to Change the Law

December 27, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Mother of Prisoner is a Double Crime Victim, Impact Statement is Courageous

December 24, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Any Sentence to Prison Is a Potential Death Sentence for Inmates

December 10, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


The sickening details of why and how the prisoners are dying

November 16, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Open Letter to Rod Hickman: Prison Guards and Wardens are out of control!

October 18, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Prison Riots Are Reactions To Abuse

September 26, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Prison Riots on the Rise - Why not re-classify prisoners as animals so people will care?

September 25, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Lockdown at Salinas Valley Prison is Cruel but not Unusual

August 18, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Two Million in Prison Too Many! Rally in D.C Aug 13

August 11, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Mothers of Soldiers and Prisoners Get Active

August 11, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Brutality and Neglect of Prisoners is Inexcusable

August 1, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Mismanaged Prisons Endanger the Public Safety

July 15, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Real Hope for Prison Reform

July 11, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Inspector General's Report on Provencio a Cover Up

July 8, 2005
by: Dr. B. Cayenne Bird


Get active and write simple letters to editors to show that people DO care about
the three million Californians attached to a state prisoner.
Your pen is a mighty sword if you will just use it against the punishers!

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