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![]() United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect |
UP THE THREE JUDGE PANEL - PLATA The hearing is shut down for If you dropped the ball on the movement and didn't go last week, please plan to attend the last day of the trial with us. This is projected to be Dec 5, 2008 but could be sooner or later, depending how the trial goes. The Plata trial is being heard If you have a loved one in a state prison who has died, is terminally ill, needs medical care or will need it in the future, it is important that you attend this hearing and bring others.
Post beneath the news articles about --------------- from our rally last summer Devastated UNION mothers protest in an effort to save their loved ones who are dying in prison ------------------ Public Defender Jeff Adachi's reaction to the signing of SB 40 into law Sentencing Reform - Supreme Court Opinion A
Tremendous Victory - Prison Commission Report Recommends Prison Reforms
- UNION people helped make this possible
"No" on Jessica's Law, Prop 83, a political war on the people that does
not protect children. Click on this link
for the facts
Prison Reform Boiled in 2007 as the UNION published 470 Newsletters. We attended Legislative Hearings, Coordinated Rallies, Worked with Television and Radio Producers, Gave Speeches, Wrote to Editors Daily, Published Columns - Thousands of Hours of Donated by the UNION families Worked to Bring Prison Reform to a Boil Click here to see list of Newsletter Headlines
Salinas Valley 8-27-06 Protest Photos We have done many campaigns since 1998 which you can have a glimpse at from the Index page. How can you know when, where, why and how to fight back if you aren't getting the UNION newsletter? Learn to be an activist for change - get active - do something besides complain! Subscribe today. Columnist
and Rev. Dr. B. Cayenne Bird
is a solution but it's up to you to Cooperate & Participate!
The Power of Numbers ACTING in unison is the only way to gain Reform of the California Criminal Justice System The UNION is a communication system that alerts you when, where, why and how to take action. You will learn to become an advocate for reform when you subscribe to the daily newsletter to learn the issues. We have fought for ten years to put an end the medical and dental neglect of prisoners, to stop abuse of mentally ill prisoners, and to reform the sentencing laws to end incarceration of nonviolent offenders and INJUSTICE from arrest through parole. We have also fought very hard against Prop 83 and hope to pull enough people together to do a referendum to reverse the law! You can help do that to protect yourself now and in the future. Begin Prevention, Schools not Prisons, Free After School Activities for Youth, Rehab and Education for Prisoners, healing of the mentally ill where possible and a common sense approach to returning prisoners to their communities BETTER OFF instead of much sicker than before they were incarcerated! Crime is caused most often by poverty, lack of support of young people especially teen age unwed mothers, and poor social conditions. It's time to Get Smart on Crime and leave retribution techniques from the dark ages behind! There are better solutions to crime than our current system utilizes that do not cost the taxpayers billions in lawsuit payouts Vote out bad laws and bad politicians Write letters to media and legislators Help bring LARGE crowds to key Senate hearings consisting of all human rights groups combined. The legislators cannot win for you unless you write, show up or send someone to these hearings. It is necessary for thousands of people to not only make the noise when issues are on the table for a decision, but to get out the vote! Without crowds where they are needed, there will be no reform. It's up to YOU to help in building a powerful U.N.I.O.N. that can create crowds in just a few hours. The prison guards union (CCPOA) number more than 50,000, who pay $48 per month in dues, hire 22 attorneys and staff offices with salaried activists statewide. We can do the same! Although it might require us finding 90,000 people at $15 per month, we, too, can become a powerful voting group if each person does a little. 6500 ACTIVE people can change any law when moving together. In Sacramento, only LARGE, WELL-FUNDED groups count!! It's up to each person whose family is devastated to build this voting group or suffer the consequences of no representation. About 3 million Californians have been devastated by injustice, and it is quite possible to find 6500 intelligent ones Initiative campaigns require l.2 million signatures. 6500 people willing to work to change laws can easily gather 200 signatures each! Other groups do it often! The oppression comes from organized voting groups who make money off the prison industry. By outnumbering these voting groups, we can end injustice. Each person must assume about 2 hours a week to respond to our calls to action. We must combine all humanitarians
into one voting group, whether the issue is sex offender laws, medical
neglect, prison brutality, three strikes, mandatory minimums, objection
to the death penalty, legalizers, homeless advocates, schools not prisons
folks, and those who object to abuse of foster children because one group
alone is too small to generate the necessary crowds to gain clout and recognition.
The letters and demonstrations must be continuous and LARGE. If not, we
have no rights in Sacramento! The law enforcement unions have bought off
and elected almost all the politicians. Those who have not organized a
large group do not count with the legislators. This is the way our system
works, the largest group of VOTERS makes the rules for everyone else and
puts their own people into office. You can do this simple organizing.
To receive the daily online newsletter
via email, send full contact information and a check or money order for
$30 to:
We are a volunteer organization and most of our members are desperately poor. Donations are the way we pay postage and printing. Sign up form is at Subscribe to the newsletter or pay online with Pay Pal Sign up for PayPal -Click below: Click Here to pay or Make a donation: $30.00 - 6 Months ![]() This True Justice site owned by Columnist Dr. B. Cayenne Bird |