These are Some
of the Tycoons who
Financed Zedillo's Campaign
Just look at their faces!

Guillermo Díaz Barroso
Former Chairman of the Mexican Red Cross.
Had to resign because of money scandal.
At least U.S.$300,000 vanished.

Carlos Cabal
Carlos Cabal, former banker.
Today imprisoned in Australia accused of fraud by
U.S. $ 5 billion

What is this guy laughing of?

Francisco Peña
Former high official in the Oscar Espinoza Administration
of Mexico City Hall, 1994-1997
Was imprisoned accused of robbery.

"I want to byte you"

"I want to beat you,

Manuel Bartlett
Accused of being accomplice
of the torture and murder of
an American DEA agent.
Barlett refuses to testify before a Grand Jury.


Vicente Fernández
Famous Mexican singer
His son was kidnapped and cutted two fingers
during the kidnapping wave that begun
when Zedillo took office.

This man looks worried.
He trusted the PRI, gave money for its campaigns
and lost his bank because of the financial crisis
the corruption of the PRI caused.

It could happen to you.
These men Financed Zedillo's Campaign