Mexican Guerrilla Monitor
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This page doesn't attempt to be an exhaustive source of information on guerrilla affairs. It just displays some information helpful to understand the Mexican Reality.
It is important to understand that there are guerrilla groups -like the EZLN- that seem to receive support from foreign groups or even from members of the PRI who want to create unstability in the country for some dark reasons. However, the existence of the guerrilla itself cannot be explained without the oppresive misery and corruption millions of poor peasants have to suffer everyday caused by or involving Government officials, from policemen or even from regular soldiers. When there's general confidence in the government, guerrilla activity becomes impossible
This website condemns violence, guerrilla and all kinds of illegal activity.
New Guerrilla Group, Now in Campeche
A new group of armed, long-haired, uniformed, starving men has been discovered this time in southern Campeche, in the Moch Cohuó, López Rayón, Chilam Balam, Ah Kim Pech, Kukulcán and La Providencia areas. They have started stealing food from peasants and eating it desperately. Witnesses say the uniformed ones carry modern pistols, machine guns and even bazookas.PRI Peasants Attack Women and Children in Oaxaca
Oaxaca. January 17th,2000
One thousand followers of the leader of the Confederación Nacional Campesina (CNC, National Peasant Confederation), Heladio Ramírez, member of the PRI, attacked today with machetes -long knives- women and children. There's censorship on this new, so nothing more can be known about it.Military Abuse in Guerrero
January 31th, 2000
Florentino Jesus de Guzmán, 20 was released after being illegally captured and tortured by soldiers of the Federal Army. Indian leaders declared federal soldiers are stealing their harvests and raping their women and children.Soldiers Abuse Defenseless Indians
February 17th, 2000
Just like in the "good" old days of brutal dictator Porfirio Díaz, the soldiers of the Mexican Federal Army are entering small villages to
I. Beat peasants.
II. Kill their animals.
III. Steal their harvests.
IV. Rape their women and children.Today, dozens of victimized indians march to Mexico City, to attempt talking to the deafest authorities. Since Zedillo took office, impunity is granted to all criminal soldiers, despite when he took office he swore to enforce the law. Zedillo becames a war criminal and criminal against mankind by protecting the guilty.
The Government Used Excessive Force, United Nations Says.
February 18th, 2000
In its report on the Human Rights situation in Mexico, the United Nations confirms the Government used excessive force in Aguas Blancas, Guerrero, and Acteal, Chiapas. In both places, dozens of peasants got mudered by personnel that received protection from it.
Another Ambush of the EPR Against the Army
Las Palancas, Guerrero. February 18th, 2000
Federal Soldiers fought near Coyuca -remember the 1995 massacre?- members of the Ejército Popular Revolucionario (EPR, Revolutionary Popular Army). The official report says the guerrilleros started shooting against the soldiers, who were travelling in their Hummer vehicles. Two guerrilleros got killed, and six got captured. The Army says their attackants were members of the EPR because they comfiscated some of its propaganda. It also comfiscated two AK-47 rifles.Zedillo 'Proud' of Rapist Army
February 19th, 2000
"There are many reasons to be proud of our army. That's why I congratulate all of its members in this their day", said Presidente Zedillo in his Saturday program -very original, isn't he?- Zedillo continued his adulation: "The Army, the Air Force and the Navy defend permanently the national sovereignity and guarantee the integrity of our territory... the Mexican Army is a force of peace that helps in drug fight; helps the population in natural disasters, and participates in forestal fires fight". Assuredly, Zedillo is also proud of the sacking his army commits every day, and of the killing of animals poor peasants need to live... and more specially of the so many rapes his rapist army does, also every day. He's also very proud of the help and support the army gives to the guardias blancas of Chiapas, that drag poor peasants out of their lands and that opress constantly the Chiapasan people. Weren't he proud of it, he would do something to enforce the law and punish the murderer soldiers who help those criminal groups.
Popular Mini-Revolt in Hidalgo
Hidalgo State. February 19th, 2000
Today, in what promises to be the first of a long series of revolts, the entire population of Tepacatepec -a small mexican town- kidnapped and humillated dozens of policemen who had got into a school named "El Mexe" to take it back from rebel students who were protesting against the corruption of its director. The school had ben illegally occupied by the students since January. On February 18th, the policemen took over the school and arrested some of them. But today the entire population of the town took rods and stones as improvised weapons, entered violently into the school, kidnapped them, destroyed their vehicles, captured their weapons, stole their shirts, and forced them to stay on their knees on burning pavement. They later negotiated with the State Government: They would release the policemen if the State Attorney released the students. The exchange was done, and the town got back to illegallity while poor women cry "The bandage we had on our eyes is gone".
People is already tired of the Government controlled by the PRI that is oppressing them with corruption, extorsion and other criminal activities, like kidnapping. The PRI may win elections buying voters with food and a few bucks, but popular anger will keep on rising... till someday it explodes in the form of a national insurection. And the trigger of it could be the parista movement, which is almost intact because inept Presidente Zedillo has released most of its members. In Hidalgo, the trigger was a school. For a national revolt, or revolution, the UNAM could make it explode. But even if students are massacred, as they have been before, a general insurection can be avoided only by pushing the PRI out of the Presidency, and pushing the new government to be honest. That would fix it all, and would prevent the United States and Canada of suffering side effects.
The Army Says They Weren't Guerrilleros
Despite It Found EPR Propaganda
February 20th, 2000
Both the Army and the District Attorney denied those who attacked an Army convoy in Coyuca on february 18th were guerrilleros despite the soldiers found official flags, insignia and propaganda belonging to the Ejército Popular Revolucionario, EPR. Alfredo Rodríguez, Commander of the 27 Military Area, declared officially his soldiers "Repelled an attack from a gang of drug traffickers". This official version was supported by the Mex. Department of Justice and by the State Government. Rodríguez claims only one "drug trafficker" got killed, and that five more got captured. The Government is trying to hide all kind of information regarding popular insurection, but the social tissue is decomposing very fast all around Mexico, and more and more explosions of popular violence should be expected from now onwards.
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Mexican Guerrilla Monitor