Dark Interests of American
Officials in Mexico.

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Stanley Pimentel, former chief of the FBI office in Mexico wrote in his article "Legacy of Corruption in Mexico", published in Organized Crime Trends that thru decades the top level of the PRI has controlled the Mexican mafias.
Few days ago, a joint party of American and Mexican police officers seized two ranches and found there some corpses.
President Clinton said "It's a horrible example, apparently, of the excesses of the cartels of drug-traffick in México"
On November 30th, Janet Reno said "Zedillo has described this issue as one of the more important national security problems his country faces...every time I've had the opportunity to speak with him, I've got impressed with his dedication to attend this problem". Reno insisted the Mexican Govenment has acieved progresses in the fight against drug trafficking despite "many obstacles". However, Reno refused to say whether there were rumors about those illegal burials since 1993, related to the cartel of Juárez.
When asked about the declaration of Thomas Constantine that Mexico is becoming another Colombia, Reno said "they are different countries". Next day, Arturo González ,the Chihuahua State Attorney, declared there is a possible involving of policemen of both federal and state organizations in the murders. On December 3rd, the Mexican Secretary of Justice himself declared many people who "vanished" were seen by the last time captured by uniformed policemen.
James Rubin, spokesman of the State Department, declared "the corruption within the Mexican government doesn't mean it'll get discertified on drug fight". (!!)
None of them makes any mention about a book by the Mexican writer Isabel Arvide, which described there were ranches near Ciudad Juárez property of Amado Carrillo, a druglord, in which he and his friends used to make parties. None of them says why weren't any smugglers captured there. None of them explains why didn't either the DEA nor the Mexican police send anyone there, when it was already public domain what was going on in there.
How do you explain this? Are they idiot? Are they corrupt? Are American and Mexican officials getting benefits from drug smuggling?


Bill Clinton
"Don't tell me anything bad about my friend Zedillo"

Clinton has Diner With Mr. Prepotent.
Washington, DC, USA. February 15th, 2000
Today Bill Clinton had dinner with Mr. Prepotent, Esteban Moctezuma (a guy who thinks he's the most intelligent god ever)at "The Palm", few minutes after his counselor James Carville got formally hired by the PRI. Assuredly, Moctezuma is looking for a foreign scapegoat for a move of the PRI involving murder. Or is asking Clinton to give the lethal order.

The U.S. State Department Attempts to Cover the Complicity
of the Zedillo Government in Human Rights Abuse
Washington DC, USA. February 25th, 2000
In a report published today, the State Department says the Mexican Government had "limited success" in the improvement of the general situation of human rights. "In general, the Mexican Government respects human rights", but there are "still problems" in "many regions", specially the southern states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca. "The efforts of the Government to improve the situation of human rights have had limited success". The report accepts there are policemen working for the drug dealers. There are "still problems" like kidnappings, hard penitentiary conditions, arbitrary arrests and attacks against the freedom of speech with journalists harassment.
The official report of the State Department attempts to hide the following facts:
1.The Human Rights situation in Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca has deteriorated much. It's not just there are "still" problems there.
2.This deterioration has been caused directly by the Government via the Army.
3.Soldiers are torturing defenceless peasants. They also rape their women and children, steal their harvests, burn their food and kill their animals
4.There are policemen involved in kidnapping, torture and mutilation. At least two top police officials who were jailed because of these crimes are now free.
5.In Chiapas, the Government is protecting paramilitary groups that serve the PRI and the rich landowners -members of the PRI, of course- who are dragging people out from their lands with use of deadly force authorized.
6.The Official Mexican Ombudswoman got fired because she commended to the President to withdraw the army from Chiapas. Read more.
7.Nor Zedillo nor the Government he commands are doing anything, absolutely anything to improve the human rights situation in Mexico.
8.Zedillo and his government granted impunity to the main murderers of Acteal, who shot 45 people when they were praying for peace. The main murderers have been set free. Read The Chiapas Monitor

After this cover, there's no doubt the State Department led by Madeline Albright is trying to cover Zedillo and his murderous government and to create the false perception it's trying to improve the human rights situation in Mexico. Why? Someone is getting benefits from this situation.

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