My Miscellaneous Page

Finally, there's a little more to see here. Don't worry, though, I'll be coming up with more all the time. Keep checking back here, and one day you'll be surprised by the amount of links on here! I promise!! Until then, keep enjoying yourself, and keep visiting my page!

  • Searching for that homepage that you just can't remember the address for? Try DogPile, a search engine even more comprehensive than Yahoo!
  • Speaking of which, Yahoo! still comes in handy every once in a while.
  • Another cool search engine-type page is FTPSearch in Norway. It searches FTP sites for the file(s) you want.
  • Wanna read the paper? The best one on the Internet for you to check out is definitely The Washington Post.
  • Check out RealAudio while you're at it, and listen to live radio over the Internet while you browse!!
  • And once you get RealAudio, go to the AudioNet list of Radio stations on the Net!
  • For anyone who's interested, the radio station I listen to at home, 92.5FM WINC out of Winchester, VA, has it's own homepage.
  • For those of you interested in collecting CDs, check out Columbia House On-Line.
  • Another good site for buying tapes and CD's, and at a fairly reasonable price, is CDNow.
  • Are you interested in seeing what concerts, performances, games, etc., are coming up soon that you can get tickets for? If so, be sure to visit TicketMaster On-line.
  • Are you looking for some college financial aid? If so, check out FastWEB!, a free financial aide search tool.

  • Last updated on 12/7/01 (NSD 93129.8K).