Earl's Court is having its rich, variegated life choked out of it by a tiny caucus of lobbies wielding grossly disproportionate influence in our community: "residents associations!"
Fellow residents of Earl's Court, we are having our quality of life severely impaired
by the very people entrusted to protect it . . .

. . . and vital issues are going against us by default!

Starring Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council with The Great Dictator!
Earl's Court Residents Associations set their own agenda together with their mouthpiece on the Council! Earl's Court Residents Associations welcome Royal Borough services being busily withdrawn from Earl's Court! Earl's Court Residents Associations set their own agenda together with their mouthpieceo the Council!
Starring Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council with The Great Dictator!

WHO do these people represent? WHO do they think they are?

WHY should they get away with it?

All Hail the egregious Phelps!  All Hail the egregious Phelps!
(now read on...)

Once upon a time in Earl's Court...

Today's bustling inner-city suburb, cleft in twain by the traffic system,
was built up in Victorian times as a copy of the Belgravia we know from
the TV drama series "Upstairs, Downstairs". One house, one family (plus
small army of live-in servants).

It was in the nineteen-twenties, in the wave of social change consequent
upon World War I, that Earl's Court became characterised by furnished room
and floating population - the original bedsitterland.

This trend continued after World War II, when Polish presence made it known
as the "Danzig Corridor", until the sixties, when it acquired wider fame
- both as "Kangaroo Valley", a mecca for antipodeans; and as
the location of two world-famous pubs which made it a mecca for gays.
The place had a lively, raffish charm.

With the eighties, and the sudden easy availability of hard drugs, things
turned a bit sordid for a while. Something had to be done about one of the
local pubs, and in due course the police opposed its licence. The pub was
closed down, to reinvent itself as O'Neill's. A group of local residents
associations had something to do with this. So what?

Well, the residents associations got their first real taste of blood,
and it gave them ideas above their station - even the exalted ones:
if they could flex their muscles for the sake of the public good,
they could do so to a much more important end - property values!

For, along with the advent of heroin for the masses, the Thatcher years
had brought a property boom to Earl's Court - in many cases intensified by
right-to-buy legislation.

"Man the barricades!
Down with our scruffy neighbours!
Let us pretend Earl's Court is Surbiton!
Let us make our scruffy neighbours act as though they were living in Surbiton!"

The main culprits inside the 'Association of Residents Associations' are
Earl's Court Square Residents Association, with their opportunistic mouthpiece
on the Council - the busy and cadaverous Barry Phelps. Not Wanted notice refers.

Here are some of the awful things they have been up to:-

All in our name, ladies and gentlemen.

E-mail Earl's Court Local Patriots if you have any feedback!

Miscellaneous Earl's Court Links

Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Municipal Website.

Brilliant personal (and professionl) website of distinguished local resident (Sent in by one of our readers a Mr Harry Wake. Cheers, Harry, and keep them coming, all of you!)

Kensington & Chelsea Chamber of Commerce - - Earls Court Area

Earl's Court Olympia Official Website Home Page.

The last Royal Tournament at Earl's Court. Official RT Website Home Page.

Legendary Oasis Gig Review- Earls Court London - September 25, 1997

History of Earl's Court 1 & 2

Concertography - a list of all the shows Queen ever performed

Queen London: based in part on the route formerly taken by the Fan Club's bus tours, which sadly no longer run.

Earl's Court Alternate Universe Fantasy


Last modified: 18th April, 2009
Aubrey de Vere - Local_Patriots (Earl's Court)