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Welcome to my rant page. This is the area that is devoted to me spouting off about the things that annoy me at the moment, or that I feel I should voice an opinion about. If you want to mail answers to any of my rants then feel free - all answers will be posted.
New rants will be appearing as and when something new pisses me off.
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OK - now a lot of you will think this callous, but the furore over her death has let me speechless and angry. The British nation has reacted as if they all knew her personally - THEY DID NOT. They were fed news stories and profiles of a saint, wheras the reality was not that clean cut. This mourning fever is more akin to a mass hysteria, whipped up by the media and the people that made the media try and get the 'intimate' pictures that caused her to be hounded by the press in the first place. You would be mistaken for believing that she was theonly person to die that day, but in fact thousands of perople died (300 gunned down in one incident in Algeria alone), but could you find any mention of them in the papers. Please let it lie, she was one over privaledged person, who died in a car accident because the driver was pissed and on drugs. If you have a sense of humour visit the Diana Joke Page. If you don't have a sense of humour - get stuffed. And I am not alone in my incredulity. Visit A Tabloid Idol and for more sane rantings.
Well this is personal now. Somebody got into my house while I was out and cleaned out most of the electrical equipment in the whole house. What really galls me is that they took my bass and bass amp. Now, I can understand that they can resell the video, the stereo, the camera etc, and that must appeal to their twisted minds - but this music equipment will stick out a mile if they try to shift it - consequently it'll get dumped somewhere and never used again, and that pisses me off. Burgalry is cowardice - picking on the little person who's probably in the same if not worse situation as yourself. People may say how can you espouse anarchy and then get pissed off by crime - well it's easy anarchy is not simply an absence of laws, it's a framework for a society to work in unison. These burgalry scum are not harmonious to a worthwhile society - there is no place for them in any utopia. p.s. If anyone has seen a Hartke 7000 Bass Amp or an Aria Pro MAB20/5 bass in any second shops with 'reputations' for fencing - I'd be grateful if you'd let me know.
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Once again at the start of November, that great British Tradition of getting on your horse on a Saturday morning and charging through the countryside killing mammals began once more. How long will this act be seen as a great tradition and not the bloodthirsty 'sport' it really is. These animals are mammals, sharing more DNA with a human than the huntsman would care to think about. They justify it with claims of the fox being a pest that needs controlling - well use a more humane way of dealing with the problem. In no other cull do you see the landed gentry pouncing about on horses, surrounding a terrified animal in a bit of woodland before sending in a pack of hounds to rip it to bits. And if it's such a good idea, why have the National Trust banned hunting on their land ? For that point, if the Fields Sports Society have no shame about what they're doing, why did they encourage all their members to covertly join the RSPCA to try and force another vote on the hunting ban ? Even when the foxhunting season is finished, the mink hunt are still out, and I don't expect that a ban will be in force for the start of next season. It seems that we're closer now to a ban than ever previously before - BUT THIS IS NO TIME TO BE COMPLACENT. Keep up the pressure and we will win. |
What can you do about it ?
Well, there are a number of options. Lobby your MP (for all the good that ever does), join the League Against Cruel Sports and monitor all hunt activity trying to catch instances of their unbelievable cruelty on tape and camera or get in touch with your local sab group and go out there and screw up the hunt. | ![]() |
A word of warning though. Some sab activity is now to all intents and purposes illegal in Britain - thanks to the Criminal Justice Bill (as is stopping on a public footpath), so be careful. If you can't get in touch with your local sab group (and remember, they may be a bit cagey about people they don't know), try the Hunt Sabs Association. | ![]() |
This was written before they signed to EMI but I think it's even more valid now. DIY not EMI.
The big question - have Chumbawamba sold out ? The pros and cons of this argument are still raging in every DIY fanzine in the UK. Have the former gods of DIY anarcho punk gone corporate whore. Who knows ? Well, I asked Alice Nutter this question and she's posted the answer on their FAQ page. This also appears on the Rant Answers at this site, and whilst the answer is sound, I don't think it addresses all the issues. Some of the facts are irrefutable. Try and book Chumbawamba for a gig and you'll find yourself having to sign a 9 page contract (for a gig!). This weighty tome contains clauses such as 'no other band appearing on the bill can have lettering of the same size as Chumbawaba's own'. Well, whatever you may think of that (it seems to be standard practise for the corporate music community), it smacks of a change of heart by the band. I know you have families to support, but this isn't about money - you could charge as much as you like, it's the change in attitude.
We put on regular gigs at our local pub in Wycombe, the bands we ask (whilst not as well known nationally) are as well known on the UK punk scene as Chumbawamba, bands such as Haywire, Scatha, Bloodshot, Smog UK and Wat Tyler have already been there, and Ex-Cathedra, SubStandard, Oi Polloi, Goober Patrol and possibly even Defiance will be playing there in the future. Never have we heard any rubbish about logo size These lot live what they believe - you can't sing about anarchy and oppression and then winge 'cos you're not big enough on the flyers. So come on Chumbawamba - you used to be great - just because you sign to a major label doesn't mean that you have to act like Green Day. Check out Growbag's views on Chumbawamba.
More particularly those people languishing in prison for 'direct action'. What I don't understand is why they haven't all been released on appeal. Why ? you may well be asking. Well, here's my reasoning - a couple of months ago a group of protestors broke into a British Aerospace facory and destroyed a Hawk fighter jet (which was to go to Indonesia and suppress the East Timorians) with hammers. They were caught after causing millions of pounds worth of damage, and charged. However, when it came to trial - they were not imprisoned due to the moral nature of their action, and the fact that no people were injured. Why then has the Home Office not been flooded with appeals against animal right activists smashing up vivisection laboratories, or freeing animals used in experiments. What's the difference ?
Well, this isn't much of a surprise, really. What I just don't understand is why these scum are into that bollox. Don't they realise that the foot soldiers in their organisation are despised as much by the be-suited leaders as they are by the anti-nazi activists. Jello Biafra warned them of their plight in Nazi Punks (you'll be the first to go).
What's worse is that they lessen all arguments for freedom of speech. If there were no fascists or child pornographers using the net, then there would be no need for a Blue Ribbon campaign. I do not want censorship - I'd rather these sick individuals were out in the open where they can be dealt with and re-educated.
On a more positive note, perhaps you could jam up their severs so the little prats have to spend time unclogging them if they want to spread the word to their other braindead supporters. One o fthe biggest sites I've found so far is called stormfront (notice there's no link here) and is run by a bloke called Don Black. He claims to have set up the first fascist web site - so let's keep him busy keeping it up.
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This is Don Black - perfect example of the Aryan race, blond hair and blue eyes just like his idol Hitler. What queue will you be in when the eugenics starts up Don ? What a dickhead !
Block the scums's mailbox And that's a link to mail him. Send him a lovely message of support (irony is particularly strong here), and preferably attach a very large file with your missive. I've found in the past that about a 10Mb file (just get a word processor and put loads of images in it), is usually enough to cause people problems. If you're worried about remaining anonymous - perhaps you live next door to some fascist pratt - here's the unabomber mail program (Windows only, I'm afraid - sorry Mac users) which allows anoymous mailing. Please note that the Unabomber should only be used for the purpose of education and entertainment and never for the purpose of damaging or harassing other computer users. The existence of this program on this site in no way advocates it's use. |
Multinationals are often up to something nefarious, but seldom do they go as far as Nestle. This lot ignore World Health Organisation convention son the supply of baby milk to the Third World in the interests of profit. Its always difficult in these situations to get accurate figures for the number of deaths, but some Church leaders (and I don't usually pay a lot of attention to what they say - but in this case I'm prepared to listen) put the figures as high as 1/4 million people a year ! The WHO puts the figure at 1.5 million There are other sites that deal with situation a lot more eloquently than I can, and here's a list of links to them. On the subject of corrupt multinationals - check out the McSpotlight site. meanwhile BOYCOTT ALL NESTLE goods, they do this for profit, hurt their profits and they might just stop.
Ahh, democracy, how I wished I lived in one. Over the last few years the previously unelectable Labour party has transformed itself into a sick parody of the Conservatives. I agree that the Tories should have been ousted from power, they committed far too many crimes against their people - the Poll Tax, rising indirect taxation whilst cutting direct taxation in an attempt to make themselves seem the 'party of low taxation' and the Criminal Justice Act, but is it going to be any better under Tory Blair? New Labour, same old danger. Vote Labour for more of the same oppression. Why have we no alternative. I handed in a blank sheet in disgust at the lack of alternatives. Who do I want in government ? Nobody and No-one. Because Nobody and No-one will protect your future, Nobody and No-one will ensure a working NHS, Nobody and No-one will protect education and Nobody and No-one cares about the power of the individual. Mind you staying up until 3 in the morning to watch the results was worth it if only to see that bastard Portillo's face as he became the victim of a 14% swing and consigned himself to the Job Seekers Allowance - ha, ha, ha, ha.
And now the honeymoon is over and Blair can begin to show his true colours. Not taking wind chill into account when calculating cold weather payments, ignoring his electoral promises on hunting and vivisection, students having to pay tuition fees - which party won the election ?
Big thanks to Mark Thomas for bringing this to the public eye. In Britain, we have a standard rate for postage wherever in the UK you wish to send something. This is something to protect. It is possible due to the 'junk mail' that goes through the system, which effectively subsidises the personal mail. However, in true Tory fashion , there are some members of the ex-government - Ian Lang you know who you are - who wish to put a stop to this. They want a rate of postage dependant on the mileage involved. Why fix it if it's not broken ?
So, what can you do to protest about this ?
Well, Mark Thomas has come up with a truly brilliant idea. Get Ian lang onto every mailing list that you can. Make sure that every day he is receiving hundreds of pieces of junk mail, that he has to sift through in order to find the ONE LETTER HE WANTS TO READ. So if you're interested, here's his home address, bung these details onto every list you can find (especially those that regularly sell their lists to other organisations!) - international mailing lists always welcome. Well Ian Lang is no longer an MP (no Tory MPs in Scotland anymore !) but does that mean he's off the hook. There's been no word from Mark Thomas yet - so keep those lists full of the bastard's name. At least it'll give him something to do now he's got all that spare time on his hands!
Mr Ian Lang - sacked M.P.
Great Britain
P.S. Don't order any stuff from catalogues, as this is illegal, and as an ex-member (still makes me laugh) of the government expect a huge waste of police resources in tracking you down.
Well thanks for listening and if you have any replies
E-mail Dooog
Comments gratefully received