Chineapple Palace - Music Links

Why Online - Distro (on-line payment if ya want it), Zines and lots of other stuff too
The Punk Mage
Tour Connection

Punk & Oi in the UK - fantastic. A site dedicated to the British scene - about bloody time too
The Plymouth Punx Page - featuring the excellent Bus Station Loonies - firm favourites at Chineapple Palace 'la, la, la Boycott Threshers'
UK - need I say more. Those lovely people from Edinburgh who've given us the European City of Punk Rock are on-line. Oi, Oi, Oi.
The Spice Girls Suck - Ahhhrrrggg, at last the truth is out - best viewed with IE (Netscape wont pull up the navigation buttons !).
Psycho Punx - discussion group for AOL users only (bit sectarian isn't it), joining instructions
The Spice Girls - no really it is
Slap a Spice Girls - your chance to give those spice girls a bloody sound kicking !
The Chineapple Punx/Ciderfex Page, (pine)apple fuelled punk rock mayhem
Live Shots of Current and Happily Deceased bands
LARD - get the new album
The House of the Rising Punk
Oi Polloi - What a band !
Legion of the Doomed zine
Dischord Inferno records
UK Punx
Punk, Ska and More
Punk Rock Festivals, including Edinburgh '96 and news on upcoming events.
Worldwide Punk Rock
Some More Punk Links
Still can't find anything of interest - then try searching on the Ultimate Band Listing Below
Psycho Punx
Psycho Punx is a group for punks, skaters, and freaks who are on AOL. Members of Psycho Punx get çewsletters, free art, invited to group chats, and lists of members!!! It is free to join and you can get off the member list anytime. If you want to join or just want to write and make fun of me, e-mail me at
People joining, write "join Psycho Punx" for the subject and answer these questions:
- system platform?
- Microsoft Works or other word processor that supports bitmaps?
- favorite band?
- do you skate?
Thanx are due to
Infinite Fish for providing the background
© 1996 (though you can copy something if you really want to)
E-mail Dooog
Comments gratefully received
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