Chineapple Palace - Comedy and Other Stuff
Other people's misc sites that I've liked (or that they've begged me to publicise)
You Can & Snot - great mucus related giggles
The Joy of Concrete
Missing Link - the reciprocal links database
Firefly - a great discussion forum (free to join)
Can your site hack it in theSite Fights Contest ?
The Dark Side
- open minded people only please
A colleague of mine who's in Tring Hockey Club
Go banner crazy in Athens with William E. Petersee
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Comedy sites
Well everyone needs a laff now and again

Piercing Mildred

Diana Jokes - now don't go getting offended kids!
Geek Site of the Day - is this comedy or tradgedy - whatever it is feel thankful you're not featured
Classic Kids Telly from the 70s and 80s - relive those memories from your childhood
VIZ, the magazine that's not as funny as it used to be
Vock's Jokes, some of these require an open mind
The US/UK Translator Trans Atlantic translations of fag, pants and loads of other old favourites

Homer's Head Simpsons Sounds Archive
The Nun Bun is a bun bearing a frightening resemblance to Mother Teresa. See and believe
Mark Thomas's pages A superb comic, and a lovely bloke (slurp, slurp)
Bill HicksIncludes a transcript of his Dominion Theatre show on the 'final' tour. Great comic and a sad loss
Chris Lundies Monty Phython Sounds
Now rehoused from it's original site, quick go there before it gets shut down again. Also featuring some new Hollywood Bowl stuff.
The Big Button that doesn't do anythingand it doesn't either
Thanx are due to
Infinite Fish for providing the background
© 1996 (though you can copy something if you really want to)
E-mail Dooog
Comments gratefully received
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