
2001-06-08 Installed obx coilovers to be able to change the height of the car for car shows and such. The new springs are much stiffer but don't affect the ride in a harsh way. I way afraid of a very rough ride. It is noticeable tighter but not bouncy. I like the way the car feels now. Planning to install some mesh in the front and rear grills soon...
2001-06-22 Removed my foglights and installed the mesh grills. Still have to take new pics. Also installed Nitro-blue Led for my alarm. WOW! Love it in the dark. It's so BRIGHT!
2001-06-30 Painted center console and installed a varad 4000b scanner. Blue leds rock.. Super bright with different patterns. Can't buy any toys for awhile gotta save up to get married in June of next year. Oh well. Suggested having the gift registration at the local speed shop but I don't think thats gonna work.
2001-09-12 Site updates.. New pics being added in the next week..
2001-09-14 Nex seats in check out interior pics..
2001-10-04 Added Ryan's 1986 MR2 to pics..
2001-10-08 Added Mustang and Acura pictures...
2001-10-19 Added some exterior spoiler pics ...
2001-10-25 Bryans Mustang had an accident see some pics...
2001-11-14 Alternator bit the dust. Having one rebuilt with a Higher output. Won't put in in for a few days but we'll see if it makes any difference...
2001-11-16 Is it ever hard getting the damn alternators out. Had more trouble putting the new one in. Had to take it apart to get it in the right spot. Oh well. Works great though. Went with the beefed up stock alternator. With the underdrive pulley it tested at 58 amp which is much better than before. Contemplating swapping out the dx lower control arms for si ones so that I can put a lower strut bar down there but might have to wait till after christmas...
2001-11-21 Finally found where you can get the same kit as mine. Its called Impact Aero kit Part#49160/1/2 goto http://www.impactparts.com/upgciv88-91.htm then pic the part number and its the 4th pic down.
2002-02-05 Been really busy but got 4-pt harnesses for the racing seats I have. Had a little trouble putting them in but now they work great. Been researching swapping out the DPFI to MPFI. Maybe do another how-to page on it if I decide to actually do it. I would have to find a new place for my MSD ignition box since it would interfere with the new intake manifold... Decisions Decisions...
2002-03-16 Muffler got a huge hole in it so I replaced it with a ractive Stainless steel one. Also redid all the piping from the axel back. Increased the pipe Diameter and went from a single exit muffler to a dual. Even exhaust flow now comes from each tip. Sounds pretty good too. Decided against the DPFI to MPFI swap since I would rather just get a new motor...
2002-03-22 They finally came out with the altezza for my type civic. They look pretty sweet too...
2003-09-29 Haven't bothered updating my site in awhile... Well got some projectors... New Kit... and new paint... Have pics soon since it is in the body shop right now.... Did some shaving of the rear too which turned out flawless... PICS SOON!!!!
2003-12-13 New pics are up... Paint turned out great.. Just installed a 8000k HID hit from Hella. And I must say they are mighty bright. I know the 8000 is now that much usable light but its still way brighter than my cool blues... Definitely happy. Had to fight with the install but it's all good check out the HID pics...
2004-03-21 Finally broke down and bought myself a b18a. Currently Rebuilding it in my garage. Few more parts and some time and she will be in hopefully in may.. Otherwise my front brake lines went on me and had to replace the front rotors and line. Upgraded to cross-drilled for the front and had some stainless steel lines made up as well. Big difference. Almost went through the front winshield getting used to them. I'll post pics of the engine build shortly...

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