D15B2 - B18A - B18C

The Saga Begins...

Old D15b2 dx motor....
LS tranny

New headgasket
New Waterpump
New Distributor
New 8.5mm Plug wires
Used Starter
New axels
Si Resistor Box
Integra ECU
Welded Shift Linkage
Integra Throttle Cable
Integra Rear engine bracket

HCP mounts
Ractive polished Header
Valve cover (cut to expose Cam gears, Powdercoated)
New Oil pan gasket
Painted Block

B18A installed and running strong.
Dyno 120 HP to the wheels and a healy 130 ft-lbs of torque.

Pulled the old B18A in favour of the more powerful JDM B18C from a 95 integra. More pics and updates to follow.

Engine pics
JDM B18C Pics!!