4th Gen Civic rear drum to disc Conversion
Difficulty rating 5/10
Time 2-3 hrs (experienced) 5+ hrs (novice)
Parts Needed:
Heavy duty brake cleaner
Dot 3 Brake fluid
Hose for bleeding brake
Jar for excess brake fluid
Brembo cross drilled rotors (Cadmium plated) for 93 integra rear
Caliper Spray
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Rear Trailing Arms from 93 Integra with calipers and rotors attached
*** you do not need the upper or lower control arms ***
Tools needed:
2 Jackstands
10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm sockets and 12mm wrench
Some sort of plug for brake line (I used a cork from a wine bottle)
Philips Screw Driver (+)
Small crecent wrench
First remove e-brake covering. Back off e-brake adjuster enough to remove the cable ends from the bracket.
Loosen lugs, jack up car, remove rims.
Remove the 5 screws on exhaust heat shielding and take out heat shield.
Remove the 3 screws that hold the bracket that has the e-brake cables entering the cabin.
Pull the e-brake cable through bracket. (tough rubber)
Remove the 2 brackets that hold e-brake cable in place. (Use 12 mm wrench to ensure no stripping of those screws)
[I stripped them and had to hacksaw the cable to get the old e-brake lines out.]
Now in the fenderwell use the pliers to remove pin holding brake line in place.
Next use the crecent wrench to disconnect brake line.
Make sure to plug line immediately or you will have fluid all over your floor. Also Brake fluid DESTROYS PAINT!
Now you can loosen the five bolts that hold the control arm on.(may need a prybar)
Remove the three 14mm bolts first
Remove the last two 17mm bolts but have the jack under control arm so that it won't fall on you.
The control arm should come right off.
Installation of integra control arms are the reverse of removal.
You may need a friend to help you hold the control arm up while installing the first two 17mm bolts.
Once both sides are on simply bleed the rear brakes.