Prepared by
American Patriots Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation
We now are engaged in a great civil strife, a war against terrorism. This war was begun by unholy men who blindly obeyed without conscience the dictates of evil men to kill themselves and thousands of innocent people.
In this time of trial we must dedicate ourselves to the preservation of that republic founded on principles of freedom and liberty which is our homeland, America. It is our duty and our obligation to act with diligence and dedication to secure our nation and the world from terrorist, not only abroad, but within our own boarders.
As was tragically seen when the World Trade Center twin towers was destroyed and the Pentagon was blown up by terrorists, no longer are we free from those who would wish to bring an end to our way of life. Our only choice is to take this war to all who would dare even speak of our demise.
In this great endeavor we shall prevail and we shall overcome all obstacles to be victorious. All who dare tread upon the United States of America and our free society shall meet their maker, not by martyrdom, but by the will of a free people who believe in the grace of a just and loving God.
No stone will be left unturned as we endeavor to wage a war against terrorism, with full resolve to bring to justice those evil men, those unconscionable terrorists and those states who harbor them. We shall not rest until all terrorists are vanquished, not only in body, but in spirit, that our freedom and democracy shall not only endure, but spread and rein victorious the whole world over!
Prepared by
American Patriots Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation
16 Sept., 2001
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