You can help win the war on terrorism! Make no doubt about it, we are at war. Our enemy, the enemy of all Americans and of all lovers of peace and freedom, is those who would promote terrorism at home and abroad.
Each person can help fight and win the war on terrorism. This is a war against ideologies as well as a war against enemies who carry guns and bombs, for long before a young man is armed against America, he is brain washed to view America as his enemy. Only through blind obedience does a terrorist commit unholy acts of death and destruction, with out regard to the innocent people whose lives are destroyed.
Because terrorist attack our symbols, such at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, they attack the very fiber of our nation. The American flag is viewed as evil, the exact opposite of what it really symbolizes. Americans are viewed as satanic or anti god, the exact opposite of what we really are. This is brain washing pure and simple. This brain washing is what produces terrorists and to win the war against terrorists you must win the propaganda war, the ideology war.
Toward this end you may help in a number of ways:
- Support America and the patriotic values which make our nation great. The American Patriots Association, a nonprofit corporation, was created by Articles of Incorporation signed 14 April, 2000, with the purpose of "promoting, supporting, defending and working to insure freedom, liberty, and patriotism in the United States of America." The members of APA are all persons in sympathy with this purpose. Your support of APA will help win the war against terrorism by promoting those values which have made America a great and free nation. All patriotic Americans are urged to join APA and help win the ideological war against terrorist.
- To win the war against terrorism you must understand how terrorists think. Terrorist wish to divide and destroy our great nation, to destroy our symbols as well as our lives. They seek to make us afraid of our neighbors and our allies. The terrorist seeks to turn neighbor against neighbor, nation against nation, so as to create a general state of war in which the terrorist seeks to gain power and control. To combat and counter this endeavor, it is important to rally around those symbols and values which make America great. Toward this end all patriotic citizens are urged to Support America. When you purchase a Support America item you will be answering the call to fight against terrorism because you will be showing terrorist that they can not destroy our faith in America and its symbols.
Please patronize the following Support America store sites:
American Flag
Old Glory

Make secure donations via PayPal. Thank you!
- Express your patriotism. You may do this by displaying Support America products designed to show terrorists around the world that we are united, one nation, indivisible, against all enemies. By so expressing that you Support America, however our great nation must proceed to win the war on terrorism, you will be doing your part to help win that war.
Our goal is to enable all patriotic Americans to fight terrorism by promoting those symbols which have endured the test of time to make America a great nation. By rallying around the flag and the Support America logo, every American can show that they support our men and women who will be out in the trenches and battlefields, out in harms way, working to secure and protect our nation against the evils which threaten our republic.
Americans are a people who love peace and freedom. We hold that life is sacred and that those who have be brain washed into suicide missions are an ungodly enemy against all that is truly sacred. Therefore it is our resolve to show our unity of spirit and faith in those values which make America a great people by endeavoring express that we Support America!
Prepared by
American Patriots Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation
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