Support America
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Please Bookmark Our Homepage:

May this eternal flame burn in memory of those who perished in the attack on America this 11th day of our Lord, September 2001, that justice for all may be done, forever vanquishing terrorism from the globe and restoring peace and freedom to all humanity.

President George W. Bush 7 Oct. 2001 in broadcast to the nation

It's Pay Back Time!

It's pay back time! Operation Enduring freedom has begun! Help Support America by purchase of Operation Enduring Freedom T-shirts and other items. President Bush announced that on Sunday, 7 October, that Operation Enduring Freedom had begun with strikes upon the Taliban and terrorist outposts in Afghanistan. All Americans can aid in the struggle against terrorism by displaying the American flag proudly and other Support America items which promote patriotism in our great nation! Indeed, now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of America by showing that they Support America!

Operation Enduring Freedom
New Release

In support of Operation Enduring Freedom a special patriotic design has been produced. It is hoped members of the Armed Forces engaged in the war against terrorism will embrace this design. The Operation Enduring Freedom design proudly features an American flag. Upper lettering uses a Fargo type style symbolic of the American tradition and spirit which embraced our forefathers who settled this nation and secured our freedom from all foes. The Support America slogan appears to encourage moral support for all men and women in the Armed Forces who must meet the challenge to secure freedom around the world. Remember 9-11-2001 is incorporated into the design, for just as Americans once cried "Remember the Alamo" or "Remember Pearl Harbor" now we must remember that day of infamy which set us upon this present course to secure our nation from the terrorist of the world.

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Operation Enduring Freedom
Remember 9/11/2001- Support America
One of our most popular designs and slogans.

Operation Enduring Freedom
We Will Never Forget

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Operation Enduring Freedom
We will never forget
Support America

One of our most popular designs and slogans.

Terrorist must know American's have courage and do not run in the face of adversity. The design below reflects the courage of American patriots. Weeping letters are used to express our sadness and mourning for the victims of the 9-11-2001 attack on America. When combined with the slogan "These colors don't run," the design has a double meaning, that our nation and those citizen soldiers who defend our great country do not flee from our enemies, but confront and destroy them!

These colors don't run
We will never forget

Click on pic to purchase
These colors don't run
We will never forget
Support America

One of our most popular designs and slogans.

Support America
We will never forget

Click on pic to purchase
This is our most popular design.

Support America
Remember 9-11-2001

Click on pic to purchase

This is one of our most popular designs.

Great Flag Designs
Click here for most popular
great USA flag designs

New releases of popular patriotic designs are shown in greater detail in theGreat Flags Department which has even more great flag designs. If you don't see what you are looking for on this page go to one of these great flag departments. Thank you.

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I Love the United States of America

This patriotic design features a heart flag and red, white and blue ribbon and was produced as a special memorial tribute to those who perished in the attack on America 9-11-2001. The heart flag symbolizes the deep love all patriotic Americans have for their country regardless of race, religion or national origin. This would be a perfect design to mass produce and print upon T-shirts to distribute to Afghan children and others to help dispel the myth that America is the "Great Satan" as is promoted by radical, militant Islamic fundamentalists. Should any wealthy benefactors or corporate sponsors wish to help sponsor such an endeavor please contact Support America.

Click on pic to purchase
I Love the United States of America

Another version of the patriotic "I Love the United States of America" design is featured upon caps and mugs.

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Red, white and blue Support America
We Will Never Forget

The "9-11-2001 We will never forget" is our most popular design slogan and here is incorporated into the flag's red stripe to symbolize how our nation was attacked on 9-11-2001. A circular flag was used here to symbolize the fact that all patriotic American stand united against terrorism.

Welcome to Support America.

Thank you for visiting Support America, a campaign sponsored by the Ameircan Patriots Association, Inc. which is a not-for-profit corporation. Please help by displaying the American flag to express your patriotic spirit and support for our great nation.

The purpose of this site is to promote America through encouraging everyone to display the American flag, that by overwhelming support, an end can be put to movements to destroy America sponsored by international terrorists and other groups and organizations which are evil in nature and the antithesis of peace, love and freedom. God bless America! We shall over come the evil and terrorism that seeks to destroy America!

You may freely copy the American flag images and banners on this page for display or purchase Support America merchandise. Please also help by participating in the Support America campaign by free display of Support America banners on your home page. Thank you for your help in this endeavor!

If you like this page you may support this effort by sending a check/money order in any amount to:

American Patriots Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Corporation
POB 241035
Montgomery, AL 36124-1035.

The America Patriots Association is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Alabama and was established after the bombing of America Embassies in Africa to aid in bringing an end to terrorism around the globe. Also APA works in general to support American patriotism at home and abroad.

After the attack on America 9-11-2001, the Support America campaign produced a series of copyrighted designs which all patriotic Americans may use to express their feelings and show the world that we stand united against terrorist.

In times of war Americans have always rallied around the American flag. It is hoped that through the association of popular patriotic slogans and designs Americans will come together and that united their spirit and endeavor will wipe terrorism from the face of the earth! The attack 9-11-2001 was an attack upon ALL Americans and all free nations. One was to fight back is by displaying the American flag, and representations thereof, in all its glory at home, in the office and everywhere this may be appropriate.

The Supreme Court has ruled that freedom of speech takes precedence over other codes with respect to display of the American flag. Certainly the terrorist who attacked America on 9-11-2001 could care less about either our Flag Code or the US Constitution. Sometimes in the course of human events it is necessary to use radical means to fight back, such as against tyrants or terrorists. It is possible some of these designs may seem radical or even revolutionary in nature. They may even seem like American propaganda. Some of the designs may even imprint over the American flag to emphasize the hurt and harm that was done upon our nation by the terrorist attack on 9-11-2001. Please remember that artistic license and the freedom of speech and expression are something which terrorist would like to destroy. But in this time of war against terrorism we must use all our freedom and liberty to unite and work against terrorism. So keep in mind when considering these designs that they were all produced with one thing in mind: to rouse that sleeping giant that is our great nation, and bring the terrorist of the world to justice -- or damn outright see their destruction!

Click here to support this site.

Click here to Support America. If you like this site and want to help win the war on terrorism, please give $5, $10, $15 or however much you can afford to this effort. All contributions will be used to help Support America and win the war on terrorism which we can do together by displaying the American flag and creative Support America designs which will enable all Americans to express their patriotic spirit. Click here to support this patriotic American site. Thank you!
Terry Lynch
Founder of the American Patriots Association and the Support America Campaign.

For more information or suggestions and comments contact:

American Patriots Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation
20 Feb., 2000

Special Feature

World Trade Center attack act of war
America and freedom shall prevail!

Click on pic to purchase
Support America - Remember 9/11/2001
All proceeds will go to supporting this site. Thank you.

We will never forget!

In this time of national tragedy all patriotic Americans must unite in spirit and duty, that our great nation shall be preserved in all its glory and majesty, not to be terrorized by the cowards and ungodly agents of death and destruction which have struck at the World Trade Center twin towers, the Pentagon and the very heart of America.

Our goal as Americans should and shall be to bring to justice those responsible for the tragedy brought on this day of infamy by those who serve the sick and perverted cause of terrorism which have no moral basis or grounds for their horrific crimes against humanity.

Our great nation has been attacked by terrorists and our first response should be to give aid, assistance and moral support to those who have suffered loss of life and injury both to themselves and their loved ones.

Next we must restore what has been lost in such a manner that never again will terrorists be able to attack our people and our homeland through vulnerabilities presented by infrastructure, free trade, travel or commerce.

Not only must we hunt down and punish those who have attacked America, we must destroy them, their networks, their advocates and those who would harbor them, that no corner of the world shall be safe to terrorists. Yet in our endeavor to bring justice we must act with honor and resolve, to not hurt or harm innocent people or serve the cause of terrorists to disrupt the world order.

Our nation shall remain free and our freedom shall reach out and touch the world, that in consequence not only shall America be made more free and secure, but the world shall be made safe for democracy, now and for all time.

Prepared by
Terry Lynch, President and Founder
American Patriots Association, Inc.
11 Sept. 2001

Patriotic Letters and Links

Popular Patriotic Flags and Slogans
New Releases

To win the war on terrorism we must stand together to Support America. One way to show your support for America is to express your patriotic spirit through the display of the American flag. The war on terrorism is a war of ideologies and one way to oppose those who would destroy our way of life, who hate everything America stands for, is to exercise your freedom of speech by celebrating popular patriotic slogans in association with the American flag. This is one war the terrorist will not win for, as Clint Eastwood said, their attack upon our nation 9-11-2001 turned 300,000,000 Americans into heros who will stand up for America. Join the army of patriotic American heroes by expressing that you Support America with these design items.

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Target Terrorism - USA Hit List on front
These Colors Don't Run on Back.

President Bush has declared a war on terrorism and his hit list includes: Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Taliban terrorist, Saddam Hussein, Terrorist nations, and all who harbor, aid or abet terrorist. This red, white and blue Support America design entitled "Target Terrorism" reflects Bush's USA Hit List.

Click on pic to view
Made in the USA - Support America

These Colors Don't Run

Land of the free - Home of the brave - rich golden letters on blue field

We will never forget 9-11-2001 rich golden letters on blue field

American Patriot - Support America
Large Impact letters

K-9 Heroes
Special tribute to K-9 heroes

Make My Day

I Love the USA

Born in the USA

God Bless America, Red, White and Blue Emblem

One nation under god, indivisible - Liberty and justice for all - APA logo - Support America

The Liberty

Help Support America! Please patronize the Support America Liberty Store. Click on each T-shirt to open a new page of special feature items, designed in good taste, to help promote patriotism in America. You will find T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, tote bags, mugs and other patriotic items. These may be used in parades and marches, public gatherings or just around the home and office. Mark up is kept to a minimum so that all patriotic Americans may celebrate their support for America!

Click on pic purchase
Support America - 9/11/2001- We Will Never Forget
All proceeds will go to supporting this site. Thank you.

Popular American Flag Designs - Remember 9-11-2001

Popular Old Glory Designs - Remember 9-11-2001

Operation Noble Eagle Design. Support our military

Operation Nobel Eagle Series II. Support the Armed Forces!

God bless America! We shall overcome!

In God We Trust

Day of Infamy - Remember 9/11/2001

Justice for all - Remember 9/11/2001

FLAG USA: Mixed front/back designs - Remember 9-11-2001

Wanted Dead or Alive - Osama bin Laden

Most Wanted Department
Osama bin Laden front/Support America designs on back

Support America and Operation Noble Eagle designs front & back mixed combinations

Operation Noble Eagle
Special Issue

In support of Operation Noble Eagle a special patriotic design has been produced. It is hoped members of the Armed Forces engaged in the protection of our nation will embrace this design and that it will help encourage moral support for their duty, letting them know America supports their bravery and courage.

Click on pic to purchase
Operation Noble Eagle
Remember 9/11/2001- Support America
All proceeds will go to
supporting this site. Thank you.

Operation Noble Eagle
Special Issue II

Through Operation Noble Eagle our great nation shall rise to meet the challenge to achieve victory in the war against terrorism. In support of our courageous men and women of the Armed Forces this special issue design provides a way all patriotic Americans can help in the cause to preserve and secure freedom at home and abroad.

Click on pic to purchase
Operation Noble Eagle - Remember 9/11/2001- Support America
All proceeds will go to supporting this site. Thank you.

Wanted Dead or Alive
Osama bin Laden

President George W. Bush stated 17 Sept. 2001 that just as on old western posters he wanted Osama bin Laden "dead or alive." Many Americans have the same feeling. In the wake of the 9-11-2001 attacks upon America, the FBI increased the reward on Osama bin Laden's head from $5-million to $25-million! In an all out effort to bring Osama bin Laden and his band of terrorist thugs to justice, an old western style wanted poster has been issued. This poster shows bin Laden who is wanted for the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and Jihad (making an unholy war). Given the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, it is hoped this wanted poster will help bring Osama bin Laden to justice for certainly he is one of the most evil men in history!

Click on pic to purchase
Wanted Dead or Alive - Osama bin Laden
For mass murder, terrorism, jihad
Remember 9-11-2001 (Large red diagonal set letters)
$25-million reward
Wanted poster on front and back

All proceeds will go to
supporting this site. Thank you.

For Mass Murder,
Terrorism and Jihad

You can do your part to bring Osama bin Laden to justice by wearing or displaying one of these wanted posters. Bin Laden is responsible for over 5,000 deaths in the 9-11-2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and crash of flight #93 in Pennsylvania. Bin Laden and his terrorist hate everything American. It is therefore appropriate that an old western style wanted poster be distributed to defy bin Laden and mock the evil he stands for!

Click on pic to purchase
Wanted Dead or Alive
Osama bin Laden
For mass murder, terrorism, jihad
Remember 9-11-2001 (small red letters inset on image)
Back of items has Support America designs
All proceeds will go to
supporting this site.
Thank you
for you patronage!

Also available. Let's up the ante:$500-million dollar reward poster for Osama bin Laden, given that's the price the USA will pay in terms of cruise missiles and cluster bombs dropped on the Taliban.

Antiterrorism Jabs
Fight back with laughter

Click on pic to purchase
Antiterrorism Jabs
Poke fun at the terrorists
Ten funny jabs on front of item with reply upon the back.

Blow Osama bin Laden and his merry little legion of Taliban thugs away with these antiterrorism jabs. Islamic fundamentalist can not understand Americans, that we have a sense of humor even when faced with adversity. People need to laugh and one way to laugh is to laugh at bin Laden and the Taliban. In times of war humor has always played a role in destroying the enemy. These antiterrorism jabs are written in good taste so as not to insult the Muslim religion but to make fun at the terrorists who have perverted the Islamic faith. Front of items makes a jab with answer in reply on back of item. These are a great ice breaker and will help add some jubilation to the atmosphere instead of the terror the terrorists would like us to feel. By wearing these antiterrorism jabs you will be helping to fight terrorism with humor, which is one American icon the terrorists will never be able to blow up!


Victory Flag Click here to find out how to make a Victory Flag. The Victory Flag symbolizes victory over terrorism and is given freely to all Americans and freedom loving people.

American Flag Decal

You may freely copy the American Flag shown here and use it to make decals, stickers or other flag displays. Please do not use the American flag for any form of advertising that is not patriotic. Thank you.

American Flag decal 400x251 21,452 bytes

American Flag sticker 150x600 22,938 bytes

Support American - Remember 9/11/2001 sticker 350x1075 55071 bytes
Special design in tribute to those innocent people who died in the terrorist attacks on the United States September 9-11-2001. This design is freely given that the memories of those which perished may be remembered and that the living may endeavor to insure peace, freedom and democracy for their children and all future generations.

You can easily make American flag decals or stickers by printing out copies of these images. Then use a piece of white cardboard to make a firm backing and laminate the flag art or cover with clear tape. This will make a water proof decal or sticker that you can mount upon the inside of your automobile window. You may appropriately display a flag decal in the lower left frame of a front windshield or in the lower left of a rear auto window.

American Flag Links

American Flag

Flag Day

Flag Etiquette via Yahoo

Yahoo's American Flag Etiquette page

Flag Etiquette & Holidays

National Flag Day Foundation

American Legion: Veterans Organization has flags, flag emblems and flag accessories

US Flag Code

US Flag Code Title 36 Chapter 10 by Annin & Co., the world's oldest and largest flag manufacturer.

Flags America: The Flag Outlet

USA Under Attack: How You Can Help

You may help Support America in this time of crisis and need by making a donation to these organizations:

The American Patriots Assoication
The American Patriots Association, a not-for-profit corporation, sponsors the Support America campaign (this site) and other patriotic work.
Click here to donate.

Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund
Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund endeavors to provide scholarships for victims of the attack on America 9-11-2001. This program has been endorsed by both former President Bill Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole.
Click here to donate.

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
The American Red Cross is providing lifesaving
assistance to victims and emergency workers in New
York, Washington, D.C.and Pennsylvania. Click here to donate.

To donate blood, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or click here
to find a center near you.

Donate your spare change
Make a difference by bringing your spare change to
the grocery store. You can help the American Red
Cross bring relief to disaster victims in your
area and across the country. Click here
to learn

September 11th Fund
United Way and The New York Community Trust have
established the September 11th Fund. Your
contribution will be used to mobilize resources to
respond to the urgent needs of victims and their
families affected by these attacks. Click here
learn more.

Salvation Army
Make a donation online
or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

Feed the Children
During their 22-year history, they have created
and developed one of the world's largest private
organizations dedicated to feeding hungry people.
Make a donation online
or call 1-800-525-7575.

More Patriotic Links



National Monuments

National Monuments on Yahoo

Park Net: National Park Service Main Home page

Buildings and Monuments in Washington, D.C.

Souther Poverty Law Center -- Also visit their Teaching Tolerance site.


Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty Cam


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Visit these patriotic American sites

Support America | Great Flag Designs and Slogans | More Great Flag Designs and Slogans | Answer the call to win war on terrorism | American Patriots Association, Inc. | War on Terrorism | Victory shall be ours | One Nation Indivisible | A Wall of Remembrance | Heaven Doesn't Have Cellular Phones | The Real "Great Satan" is the Taliban | Free Banner Exchange | Free Victory Flag | Donate | Contact

Copyright © 2000, 2001 American Patriots Association, Inc.. All rights reserved.