The Parkinson's LISTSt. John's Regional Chapter
Newfoundland and LabradorThe Parkinson's Foundation of Canada
What It Is
PARKINSN is a mailing list devoted to Parkinson's and a forum for the exchange of Parkinson's information. The messages cover many topics of interest to patients and caregivers plus updates on the latest research, discussions on the best time to begin treatment and how to continue working. An archive is provided to enable users to search for material posted since the list was started in 1993. The software that controls and maintains the PARKINSN list is called LISTSERV.
To Join the PARKINSN List
To join the list, send an email message to LISTSERV at this address:
LISTSERV@LISTSERV@UTORONTO.CAIn the body of the note use the following command:
SUBSCRIBE PARKINSN YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAMEFor example, if Dr. James Parkinson wished to join the list, his message would be:
To Leave the PARKINSN List
To leave the list, send an email message to LISTSERV at this address:
LISTSERV@LISTSERV@UTORONTO.CAIn the body of the note use the following command:
SIGNOFF PARKINSNFor example, if Dr. James Parkinson wished to leave the list, his message would be:
In Case of Problems
If you have problems, contact Barbara Patterson, the list owner, at:
Return To Home Page
If you have questions or comments contact Anne Rutherford at rutherford@nf.sympatico.ca
Website maintained by Janet Paterson
Last updated on 28 June 2000