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St. John's Regional Chapter
Newfoundland and Labrador

The Parkinson's Foundation of Canada

Local Events

The Parkinson's exercise class (Wednesday mornings at the Miller Centre) has space for more. Call 754-4428 to join.

The Cut-A-Thon is coming soon. More salons. More stylists. More fun. Last year there were some latecomers who could not get an appointment. Don't let this happen to you. Reserve your place early, call the Cut-Line at 754-4428.

If an event or meeting must be cancelled due to weather conditions, we will do our best to have an announcement placed on CBC Radio.

A Young Onset Group is forming in the St John's area and a meeting is planned for January 1997. For the latest information call Denise Murphy at the Movement Disorder Clinic. Young Onset Parkinson's is diagnosed in people younger than 55.

A Parkinson's Education Group (PEG) is planned for the spring. PEG is approximately 25 hours of practical information about living with Parkinson's, presented by the professional staff of the Miller Centre. PEG is free but you must arrange your own transportation (one day per week). To find out how to join PEG, call the Resource Centre at 754-4428.

Around the Province - Newfoundland and Labrador Chapters and Support Groups

April 1997 - A whole month devoted to Parkinson's Awareness.

National Events - The Parkinson's Foundation of Canada

The Canadian Hairstylists' Cut-A-Thon for Parkinson's. This is a National fundraising event held on Sunday April 27. On this day men and women who have made a $20 to $30 donation to Parkinson's have a shampoo, cut, and blow dry - hence the name 'Cut-a-thon'. Every participant receives a gift package and there are prizes, entertainment and more.

We thank the salon owners and hair stylists who volunteer to make this day such a success year after year.

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If you have questions or comments contact Anne Rutherford at rutherford@nf.sympatico.ca
Website maintained by Janet Paterson
Last updated on 28 June 2000