
January - Calendar of Events

Febuary - Calendar of Events

Summary Of Events

January 18th Meeting- U.S. Congress Woman Lois Capps and District Supervisor Gail Marshall spoke and answered questions. We also talked about the State Democrat Convention.  We also made tenative plans to play slohball against the Campus Repubicans.

Up And Comming Events

State Democrat Convention- The convetions cost is only $25 dollars which includes two nights at the Hyatt Hotel and your pass to the convention.  There will be great speakers at the convention such as Al Gore, Bill Bradley, Diane Fienstien, Barbara Boxer, and Gray Davis.  Not only that but hospitality suiets!!! Febuary 11-13.  If you want to go please notify Christine Elliot ASAP at

Sloshball- This is our anual event where we square off against the Campus Republicans to see who can best play baseball drunk.  There will be a BBQ afterwards where there will be some great food.  The tenative date is set for Febuary 19th.  Please notify Scott Vernon if you have any questions at