For those of you who don't know me my name is Randy. I am a firefighter,paramedic,and a police officer. I really like public safety and would recommend this field to any one who really likes dealing with people. I have been in the field for almost 5 years and have had some great learning experiences. For any one who is interested and would like to get into this field e-mail me and I will try to give you some leads. My first word of advise is DONT GIVE UP! No matter how hard it appears to get a job,or to get into school,or to stay in school. It is all worth it in the long run. You will find yourself challenged. There is no reward greater than to look into the eyes of the person you are there to rescue and see the security they feel to know you are there to help them. Below are some pics and some other stuff.
This is My brother and Me
This is the squad car I drove when I was with Aubrey Police Department.
To those of ya'll who don't know police officers very well, here is a word of advise.
Don't be so scared when you see this.
Remember we are normal people just like you, we are just out here doing our job. We like our job as much as you like yours. So smile at us and wave too because we like to know that you are proud to have us on your streets. We are Proud to be serving you. Another thought, You sleep better at night cause we are out here.
So tonight when you go to bed remind your self that you are well protected. A normal man or woman just like you, believes so much in you that they are willing to protect you with their life. That should mean something to you.