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Swiss African Forum

SAF is an innovative voluntary association on African Integration working within charities and voluntary organisations. It was created out of the need for unity and cooperation and the desire to work together for the prosperity of all. The activities of SAF are primarily focused on community development, economic and business enhancement, cultural awareness, social improvement, health and educational development.



DOSANET is an international organisation founded in Switzerland in June 2002 and registered under the Swiss law, with main focus in the areas of integration and communications.


BeUp: We are a non-profit organisation dedicated in creating partnerships and networking that helps in build intellectual and economic wealth in the black community living in Switzerland.

Global Career Company is the premier specialist in the recruitment of graduates and professionals into emerging markets world-wide. Our aim is simply to connect top international recruiters with highly educated, internationally oriented individuals.


African Football Club(AFC): The African Football Club Zurich is the first of it’s kind outside Africa with the ultimate interest in the promotion of the game not only for the privileged but also for the unprivileged.



swissinfo: The Swiss news and information platform from swissinfo/Swiss Radio International.

Swissinfo: The Swiss news and Information platform from Swiss Radio International. News includes International, Swiss Affairs, Business, Science and Tech, Culture, Sports....