Fool of the Month - Posts



Now most people would know this guy from the News Talkback Community
in Ninemsn, or by his Website. I don't like him...You don't like him so thats
why I have created this site. (thats SITE not SIGHT)

Now below here are some posts from Ninemsn threads. If you have one
that I don't, please Cut and paste the lot, including date etc, and Mail it
to me at

Now these threads listed below are in No particular order. I have just Cut
and pasted them in here so if it sounds Rooted to you well you get that.
The first one here is actually a post that Mr Sunol posted earlier tonight
about this site. The Lonesome Arab is a mate of mine and a big Contributor
to this site. Enjoy!



Started by: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 8:15 PM
To Lonseome Arab;
I do not appreciate you putting that web link on giving my address, phone number and map on how to get to me on this thread.
I am going to ask for you to have no 30/31 removed as this represents danger to both myself and my wife.
If it is not removed I might write to the Nine MSN Managment and ask them to remove it for me. I respect Nine MSN but do not respect this garbage. If you think this will make me leave and vive up what I am doing, I am afraid that you are horribly mistaken, I will go all out to carry out my goals and not give up. it is all out war with no end in sight.
I can promise you that and all of the others who write this form of garbage.
Yours sincerly
John C.Sunol



Started by: John Chrisopher Sunol Sent: 16/03/2001 11:05 AM
To all who read this:
Stella wrote to me and told me that I could come back after one week. That was one month ago.
Someone is taking me off all the time I come on, well then let me tell that person, unless NINE MSN write to me on my e-mail <>
and tell me that I am banned, I will come back.
All I do is start another hotmail and this is going to be done all of the time. It does not worry me, so you can like it or lump it. I will ignore everyone except the real managers of this community nine msn who I respect.
As for me being a mental who is on medication.
I am glad that you beleive that as it is far from the truth.
I have an Associate Diploma of Social Science (Welfare Work)
Advanced Certiifcate of drug and alcohol Studies (level 4)
Ceritificate in Public relations
Diploma in marketing Managment
Bacheloer of Social Science (Sociology) Univeristy of Newcastle
Graduate Certificate in marketing University of Newcastle
last year was enrolled in a Master of Social Change and Development and deferred this as I have just picked up a job in Marketing Managment and public relations / media liason with a new export company. Second position a crises counsellor for people in crises with drug and alcohol problems
Changed masters degrees to a Master of Commerce/Marketing from the University of Woolongong due to working in that feild.
An a member of the AIWCW (Austrlaian Istitute of Welfare and community workers)
If that is not enough, I do not know what is, I just can not be a person on medication with all of this and have worked in this for many years. About to start a very important job in the forefront in mareking and Public relations with a Multi Million dollar company starting up with meat Exports from NSW.
Also have stood for the local council elections in Sept 1999 Ward 1 in Newcastle, and will be standing in Newcastle in the coming up Federal elections.
For a profile of a person with supposed psychological problems and have these credentials I think it is fairly hard to beleive.
If you think that I am just having you on, I challenge you to check for yourself.
I will leave alone the topic of Gay Mardi Gras as that is finished now, but I promise that I will not give up my campaign as I am using all my gained skills to attack this blight upon NSW. AFter the 2001 march this is repugnant to most of NSW citizens if they knew the truth and this will not be stopped.
I challenge anyone to take me on, but please ring me on
49 600 532
e-mail <>
Also I will not accept being banned from this again, unless Stella from Nine MSN writes to me and gives me reason, and then i will accept it. I tell the person who is taking me off the this community and deleting my hotmail account.
It is easy mate, I just start up another hotmail within minutes and then come back on.
I wish you all the best in your endevours
John C.Sunol

From: John Sunol  Sent: 21/03/2001 9:41 AM
To all on the board
I am going to start wroking from next week onwards at the position in Woolongong that I spoke about.
My position will involve being a Public relations person for a new company where my task will involved contacting Politicians, Councellors and other forms of similar contacts to bring about a good publicity and sales promotions for the new business. This will become very intense and i am afraid that I do not have the time to spend to much on this board from now onwards.
I also have other plans to fulfill which I will not give up on, so I promise that I will not stop what i have started but will have to change strategies slightly and concentrate on other things.
John C.Sunol

From: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 10:00 AM
This is not private business
This is export trade in a big way and the NSW state government is putting funds into it.
That is all I will stay about this for now.
John C.Sunol

From: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 10:45 AM
Thankyou very much for your advice,
But I am afraid that I do not need to do any more preperation into this as you and others are in for the shock of your lives when you ultimetely find out that I am NOT A FRAUD AS SOME WOULD HAVE YOU BELEIVE and AM NOT BRAIN DAMAGED AS SOME WOULD HAVE YOU BELEIVE,
This position is real and you might not like what you find out when you do find it out.
John C.Sunol

From: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 7:52 PM
This is the truth, When i see people put my full address and map how to get it on the board like Lonesome Arab I fight and do not give into ratbags like that.
John C.Sunol

Started by: John Chrisopher Sunol Sent: 16/03/2001 11:26 AM
To all, who read this
I am not endorsed yet as a candidate. This is a mistake made by myself in not writing correctly, I am just considering standing and very well could stand.
If not my new job is in Woolongong with a company doing meat exports and this will give me plenty of public attention.
John C.Sunol

From: John Chrisopher Sunol Sent: 16/03/2001 11:33 AM
I made my other thread out and made a mistake.
I meant this but want everyone to realise this.
I am going to apply to stand, NO ONE IN THE CDP IS ENDORSED AS YET
John C.Sunol

From: John Christopher Sunol Sent: 16/03/2001 3:13 PM
I wrote that I am endorsed as I am certain that I am going to put an application to the CDP to stand, if I do not get pre-selected it is possible that I will go as an Independent candidate where I will give all my preferences to the CDP (Fred Nile group), Independent Candidates (concervative voters and family people, not alternative family), Some Liberal Candidates who are not kinky liberals and One Nation.
(I rule out the Greens, Democrats, Leftist parties, Kinky Liberals and left and fare left Lahour altogther as they represent issues and values that I do not and can not agree with.)
This is certian. I have made my mind up to put in an application and it is up to the party to decide later on this year.
I will be working as a PR and Marketing person in Woolongong and be in contact with some media anyway, That has been confirmed but I will not give addresses or place yet as I do not want trouble makers to create problems for me.
John C.Sunol

From: John Christopher Sunol Sent: 16/03/2001 7:35 PM
I have a big shock for all who have written on this thread thinking that I am a nutcase.
If you feel in that mood that I am like what you said "a wanker", well then
Why on earth do you bother yourself reading my threads let along answering them?
Just ignore them as I will not go away untill I have completed my goals which all know what they are.
As for the people who think that I can not spell or write, well then you are also in for a big shock.
Last year I was enrolled in a Master of Social change and development where I would have had to do a 10,000 to 15,000 word thesis. If I did not withdraw from this course and take leave from it I would have written taht thesis on racism and homphobia, or on racism withing ethnic diversities.
Instead I picked up this job in Woolongong in Marketing and I have applied for a position in the Master of Commerce/Marketing where I will study while I work in publicity and promotions.
If all of you think this is a load of crap written by myself, you had better think again as I will not go away. I might leave for a short time but always will come back.
John C.Sunol

From: john SunolSent: 19/03/2001 8:53 PM
Could be foot in mouth to couldn't it.
I am afraid that alot of people in this board show foot in mouth disease, speak out stupid things and make themselves look a fool
Who is that.
John Sunol
From: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 9:48 AM
If that is the case, then Praise the Lord for it as I am only to willing to be a fool for God. To be a fool is only in the eyese of the beholder. I will continue on with pleasure.
To all on the board
I am going to start wroking from next week onwards at the position in Woolongong that I spoke about.
My position will involve being a Public relations person for a new company where my task will involved contacting Politicians, Councellors and other forms of similar contacts to bring about a good publicity and sales promotions for the new business. I will also be at the University of Woolongong applying to be enrolled into a Master of Commerce/marketing as I have put on hold my Master of Social Change and Development. This will be quite intense so I might not have the time that I have now to keep on writing to this board. But let me tell all, I will not be gone and not give up as I will come back in full when I am ready, not when anyone else expects me to,.
This will become very intense and i am afraid that I do not have the time to spend to much on this board from now onwards.
I also have other plans to fulfill which I will not give up on, so I promise that I will not stop what i have started but will have to change strategies slightly and concentrate on other things.
John C.Sunol

From: john Sunol Sent: 20/03/2001 12:46 PM
To all who read this thread;
I am afraid that all of the answers of this thread are wrong about me.
I do not need attention. I am not a fraud and for most of you all that I have said and will say in the future has 100% truth to it.
You are all going to get a Nasty shock in the future if you do not beleive me. It does not worry me whether or not you respond to me. I just will not go away as I know that my message is out for people to see and always the Lord will bring the right person along to receive it.
I wish you all the best in your endevours searching me.
John Christopher Sunol


From: John Sunol Sent: 21/03/2001 10:24 AM
People are interested in myself as I talk on controversial topics. I am one of the most spoken of people on this board and for all your interest my real name is
John Christopher Sunol
Just look in the Newcastle Phone book and you will see John and Mira Sunol in this directory.
When people get contreversial topics always there is someone to asnwer. I can use this for my benefit and I will convince many people about the evils of the gay mardi gras and gay culture.
John C.Sunol


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