From: annaleise (Original
Message) |
Sent: 22/08/2001 8:49 AM |
So, should
we open this up to a community or do you
wish to keep it as a friendly meeting plae
to leave messages. If someone is in at the
time all the better, but your happy with
the way it is. Lets leave it up to you.
Also, even though we don't need mods, really,
do you want to open it up for nominations
and vote on who is a mod. Any suggestions
on what we do or what we want done.
Anna |

From: Eros |
Sent: 22/08/2001 9:05 AM |
(Hello everyone else, too)
I'm just so happy that this place
even exists at all I really don't care what
the creator(s)? decide to do, just so long
as that purple font never leaves my life
again the way it did before. I think I must
have some sort of infatuation with you Anna
(even my missus calls you my mistress),
so remember just so long as you STAY WITH
US this time, I really don't mind what you
My personal opinion is, I liked
OC the way it was, and if this place can
be anything like that without the power
trips, then I say go for it. Poor James
will be left with his own board all by himself,
as everyone transfers over here, if they
knew what happened and why you and Cavey
left. Thankyou for creating this place,
and remember so long as you guys stay here
this time, it really doesn't matter what
else happens. I think moderators are a good
idea, someone to keep the peace wherever
necessary, but I would like to see mods
request community input before deleting
threads. Single messages of course should
still be dealt with at the moderators discretion,
but as we are all adults here, I really
wonder if we need anyone but ourselves to
edit or delete our own messages.
Thanks again,
Love Eros (looking forward to
a fun community again) |
Why not just let it flow for a while and
see how it pans out?
Comm. |
From: Maccer |
Sent: 22/08/2001 9:12 AM |
I think you'll be surprised just how many
followers James actually has. I don't think
anywhere near half the users in OC would
transfer over to here. I may be wrong, but
lots don't even thnk that anything has changed
in OC !!!
Maccer |
From: Maccer |
Sent: 22/08/2001 9:16 AM |
actually waiting for James to mail me with
his view on what is happening !! I posted
a thread in OC asking him to put his side
across and he said he already had !!
I must have missed it.
I actually like James, I think he a good
bloke and thats why I want to hear his side
of things before I actually decide whether
I stay in any of the boards.
Maccer |
We are
not looking to make or break OC. We are
not competing. This is not a war.
I like
Comm's idea, we will just go with the flow
right now. We are gathering our friends,
to have a place to meet, if we need one.
Thats why it is open.
Anna |
From: Hog |
Sent: 22/08/2001 9:34 AM |
Not suprisingly I find myself
agreeing, as I often do, with Eros.
I have always said that it matters not how
many, nor how few, members there are in
a community as long as they are happy with
the set up. Large numbers increase
the risks of conflict.
There are communities to satisfy
various needs, not only in MSN but throughout
the NET. Let it flow, a nominal moderator
or two, maybe, just to do the tidying up
and setting out; no censorship....we
can be self managing if someone steps out
of the line of proper posting; back to the
old basic intention...to laugh, have fun,
support each other, disagree like adults
if we have to, solve our problems and, above
all else, remain friends.
I think one of the dangers, and
we saw it on OC, would be to keep harking
back to the clashes which have occurred
before. If a community no longer suits
a member then he/she should leave it - rather
than undermining it to the detriment of
others who enjoy it. Let us not create
positions of perceived power because human
nature being what it is, there are those
who will strive for it and conflict will
result once again.
Eros, I think you sound like a
young version of me...I hope that is not
an insult to you. 
Hog |
From: Maccer |
Sent: 22/08/2001 9:44 AM |
Where exactly did I suggest any of this
We are not looking
to make or break OC. We are not competing.
This is not a war. |
You are
so right. My sentiments too.
That is
how we need it to be, and I don't mind,
I was even happy yesterday when we had 7
members. To me that is friendship. I think
we can be happy any old way. I am happy
talking to myself. I prefer OC wasn't mentioned
as such (hard to say as it was my baby)
but this is a new place.
We don't
need censorship, and your right, it can
be mainly self managed. If we get any rude
ones, I know quite a few in here that can
rip them to shreds and put them in there
place, nicely.......lol
Have fun.
Although the new rule is....No Spellchecking
or Typo Checking Anna
Anna |
Spellchecking or Typo Checking "
DAMM!!! There goes all MY fun.
C. (is that how you spell "C"?)
I just
thought Comm........... I could make a mistake
and spell your name...........
we do adore you.
Bad joke
A. |
joke, perhaps; but nice thing to say. Thanks.
You won't beileve this, but Ihave to go
to lunch AGAIN. Jeez I'm sick of this job.
Comm. |
lunch Comm..... Have a bottle of red for
He gets
goodlunches, I get dribble bibs and false
teeth at my lunches.
Anna |
From: Eros |
Sent: 22/08/2001 11:27 AM |
Discussion boards had become for
me a place to have some fun, meet some new
people, listen to new ideas, discuss topics
of interest. I found myself spending more
time at OC than anywhere else, and as far
as I'm concerned, I felt I had met a really
nice bunch of people who I got along with
pretty well. Enough to even call them my
friends. I thought we were all equally well
tolerant of each other and their points
of view, and that rarely did anyone ever
show any inconsideration towards anyone
else. Mostly what it was all about was being
able to voice an opinion with the knowledge
that it wouldn't be censored, which I think
worked well with that freedom coupled with
self-restraint and self-regulation. For
my part, I'd much rather a tongue-lashing
and to be put in my place than to have my
words deleted by an anonymous moderator
without a word of explanation. When and
if that ever happens to me, I usually get
very pissed off about it, and don't feel
like being a part of that community anymore.
I don't personally have a problem
with James. It's just that when my friends
are treated in a certain way by someone
who I thought was a nice guy, I have to
reconsider my relationship with that person
and wonder if I still want to be around
them. So I can only speak for myself when
I say I'd rather post around here than anywhere
else, and I don't expect this place will become
a bitching post to slag on any other place.
Out of respect for Anna's wishes, this is
all I have to say on the matter, and will
try to mention the old chat place no more.
I'm sure we'll see each other around the
traps, old mate, here, there, or maybe even
Coming from you, I take that as
a real compliment and thank you. From the
moment an alternative to chip-chap appeared,
I have found myself agreeing with your
views totally, and would have said exactly the
same thing at times had I thought of that
way of saying it. I think that it is no
coincidence that we have ended up meeting
this way, and I look forward to communicating
with you in the future (and of course, your
lovely and delectable loved one, Jiply).
You are amazing. Hope I'm
not treading on anyone's toes
here (sorry Comm), but I really luvs ya!
Here, have an heiroglyph:
Eros (gives this place the ) |
From: Chatty |
Sent: 22/08/2001 12:12 PM |
Ok everyone
heres my view........
Anna made
me a manager cause we were the only two
on it LMAO.........
As everyone well
knows I am not poooooter expert and anyone
can have my spot..........
To be
honest I think we should all be exactly
the same all have the same use of the board.
I am just
happy to be able to come somewhere to say
hello to you all. I was very sad not to
have a board where I could be really mean
to Anna..... Thankyou for giving that back
to me you floozy you.........
I also
missed chatting up cavey........ lmao
lets all have fun and see what happens.