

ABOLISH Death Penalty04

ABOLISH Death Penalty and Corporal Punishment in Malaysia.


It is time for us to stand up and campaign for an end of the Death Penalty and Corporal Punishment in Malaysia.

The intentional killing of a human being by the state is wrong.
Death Penalty also visits sufferings on innocent persons.
- Spouses lose their spouses
- Children lose their parents
Death Penalty is supposed to act as a deterrent BUT alas there is no evidence whatsoever that it is a deterrent.
Death Penalty - also dismisses the possibility of rehabilitation, and even repentance ( a concept advocated by most, if not all, major religions)
Death Penalty - is also dangerous in the light that the "innocent" may be executed - the Guildford Four case and other cases where "all" the evidence were not before the court during the trial and convictions..
Below, I have attached extracts from the Amnesty International Annual Reports on Malaysia that touched the issue of corporal punishment and the Death Penalty. The 1999 Report is disturbing -" The authorities revealed that 349 people had been executed between 1970 and 1996". The 2002 Report states that at least " least 159 were reported to be on death row..."

2003 Amnesty International Report on Malaysia
At least seven people were sentenced to death and at least three people were executed during the year.
2002 AI Report
Four people convicted of murder and a man convicted of drugs trafficking were executed by hanging. At least three people were sentenced to death, and at least 159 were reported to be on death row. Caning, a cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, was imposed throughout 2001 as an additional punishment to imprisonment.
2001 AI Report
Death penalty and corporal punishment
In the first reported executions since 1996, two men accused of drugs trafficking were executed in November. At least 13 people were sentenced to death. Caning, a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, was imposed throughout 2000 as an additional punishment to imprisonment.
2000 AI Report
Corporal punishment; death penalty
Caning, a form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, was imposed throughout the year as an additional punishment to imprisonment. At least one person was sentenced to death during the year.
1999 AI Report

 Caning, a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, was imposed throughout the year as an additional punishment to imprisonment.

    At least six people were sentenced to death during the year. The authorities revealed that 349 people had been executed between 1970 and 1996.

1998 AI Report

Caning, a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, was imposed throughout the year as an additional punishment to imprisonment. In July, in the first such case under the amended Immigration Act, six Indonesian migrant workers who returned to Malaysia following deportation, and their Malaysian boat captain, each received jail sentences and two strokes of the cane.

During the year at least seven people were sentenced to death and at least two were executed. Most had been convicted of drug-trafficking offences, for which a death sentence is mandatory.

1997 AI Report

Caning, a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, was imposed as an additional punishment to imprisonment throughout the year. In February, Yusof Rahim was jailed for six and a half years and received 10 strokes of the cane for possession of cannabis.

    During the year at least six people were sentenced to death and at least three executed. Most had been convicted of drug-trafficking offences, for which the death sentence is mandatory. Mustaffa Kamal Abdul Aziz and Mohd Radi Abdul Majid were executed in January after being convicted in 1991 of drug-trafficking.